I was asked in another thread what the easiest way to pull the plated pins was. Well easiest is a hammer mill however. I have constructed this cheap and easy way to show the guys an gals who are interested. I have some photos and explinations.
That is my hammering rod. It used to be a pickling fork. I broke it bustin ball joints apart on my bronco. I cut the rest of the fork off to use as a punch of sorts lol.
this is a 6 inch piece of galvanised pipe and one end cap. purchasable at any hardware store. My cost was 18 bucks.
Hand full of connector ends. Those are from the sound cables and USB connections where they hook to the mother boards.
Drop them in the pipe and hammer away. Its best to cup one hand around the top of the pipe. That way you dont fling pieces of plastic all over the floor. This will keep your spouse happier lol.
Pour the smashed contents into a bowl or something. Then seperate the plastic from the pins. Some times you may need to put a ferw pieces back in and hammer harder lol.
After seperating the plastic from the pins. All that being said . I hope this thread helps some of you out. And please any helpful info is greatly welcomed.