View Poll Results: Pickup Truck or Cargo Van for transporting scrap?

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  • Pickup Truck

    33 78.57%
  • Cargo Van

    5 11.90%
  • Doesn't matter to me, both get the job done

    4 9.52%
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Pickup or Cargo Van? - Page 2

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  1. #21
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    were any doors left open, such as the side door? I had come to thinking maybe they'd fit in 2 stacked on the left, one on the bottom right, with the dryer and dishwasher on top of it ; ) I drove a 1 ton ford econoline van for a long long time, it had right at ten feet from just behind the front seats to just inside the rear doors. It sure was a great little truck, I did a lot of traveling in that thing (it was my "oklahoma motorhome" ; )

    Anyhow, scrapping, for me, definitely a "the sky is the limit" pickup! I can understand about the benefits of having some things inside and lockable, but I'm fortunate to have an extended cab and a truck box for those "need to lock/protect from the weather" items. Even though I usually keep a tarp in my truck box, it really wouldn't bother me if most things I've picked up as scrap get plum soaked a time or two, even computers/electrical items. The survey doesn't cover availability of another important addition to the tools, i.e. a trailer, or the fact that its addition will usually be blocking one of the vans most important access points, the rear doors
    Last edited by Bear; 07-22-2012 at 03:08 PM.

  2. #22
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Managed to get all the doors closed Bear, passenger side mirror was useless with the dishwasher in the seat tho.
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  4. #23
    c4f5's Avatar
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    Depends on your specific types of work, I would imagine. I don't believe I would personally have any practical use at all for a van. Four pickups for me, ranging in size from an S-10 to the one pictured at the left, and an assortment of trailers, ranging from pickup box, to car trailer, to 16' utility, to the one at left.

  5. #24
    Copper Head's Avatar
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    Guess I need 2 post , See I am a curb hunter & I can't predict the items i will find or order so a van just seems way better and allows you to pick up more stuff .Even full there always seems a way to shove that last item in . When truly full you still have a roof that if you really wanted could be set up well . Since scraping is watched tight now by local police pick ups are not a good choice any more.

  6. #25
    Kochy's Avatar
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    I have both. They're not mine but, I use a 2000 Step side Silverado for Scrapping but my dad also has 08 Chevy Express Van for his Carpet Installing work, sometimes we can haul something if we pick something up from a job or what not.

    I like my truck. BUT A CARGO VAN IS AWESOME ON TRIPS IF ITS EMPTY. Me and my dad went to Chicago from PA, and we slept right on the cargo bed. My dad put two pieces of pad and put really soft carpet on top and it was like a great mattress. Screw paying upwards of a hundred bucks for a room while traveling lol.

  7. #26
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    pickup...if did use an a van, and i have i would still tie down the load..don't take to much off a fender bender to put that load in the front seat with you or worse on top of you...

  8. #27
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackww View Post
    pickup...if did use an a van, and i have i would still tie down the load..don't take to much off a fender bender to put that load in the front seat with you or worse on top of you...
    also its nice to be able to back up to the big magnet and go...

  9. #28
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    I use a truck because I got a family the cab is always clean and the bed is beat up. can't put a infant in a van you scrap in lol

  10. #29
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    Quote Originally Posted by Russell View Post
    Are you a kidnapper or a scrapper. Answer this question and you have your answer. much per pound does the yard pay for children. LOL!!!

  11. #30
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    It's a Canary Yellow Ford F-150 Ext Cab Long Bed for me. With the ext cab all of my tools can be secured from theft along with any smaller more valuable items. I have a friend that brings me scrap in a little chevy astro van from time to time and it doesn't seem to bother him at all. Still, he is not a full time scrapper, so i am sure that makes a big difference.

    One side note here: Locks just keep honest people honest. So even with your/my tools secured in the truck, if a thief wants what you have bad enough he/she WILL find a way inside to get it.

  12. #31
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    One side note here: Locks just keep honest people honest. So even with your/my tools secured in the truck, if a thief wants what you have bad enough he/she WILL find a way inside to get it.
    If your windows are dark tinted they can't see what's inside and a better chance for it to be there the next day.
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