I have 3 now on my workbench. The red one I got for free from one of the scrap yards I go to. I'm always nosing around looking in the boxes of stuff they have filled up ready to send out. Well, the one day I saw this vise and asked him if he'd sell it to me. I had no idea if it was even any good. He said it was only worth a couple bucks to him - go ahead and take it ''thanks for your business!''

I love it, its stronger to hold transformers when I'm pulling the copper out of them.
The little blue one to the right I use for holding lawn mower blades when I hand sharpen them. The blue one on the left was my original one I used for holding transformers and stuff.
The free one is a Wilton, I don't know how much those cost new but I'm sure they aren't cheap!