You know the little magnets everyone working at the yard has on there keychain there like plastic coated.. Where would i find one to buy? I asked the yard and they were needing more and there buyers stopped supplying them.
You know the little magnets everyone working at the yard has on there keychain there like plastic coated.. Where would i find one to buy? I asked the yard and they were needing more and there buyers stopped supplying them.
I buy mine from National Magnet and Supply Co - 1-800-MAGNETT .
I ended up ordering 4 i found on ebay.. neo magnets all metal for like 7 bucks shipped.
You can order them off of Scrap Monster: Scrap Monster Magnets | Order your custom magnets online
The problem I have with those magnets is every time I get close to anything steel it sticks to it even if it's in mt pocket. I never buy magnets, to many free onesout there.
I buy them for an advertising handout.. We use the many magnets we find in the scrap for our yard because they are always being lost.
We are giving out magnets for lots received in September... while supplies last of course.
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oh yeah i have one sept 1st for you lol
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
I bought a strong as heck one off ebay from Japan or China, Its on my key chain, so it goes where I go in my scrapping truck.
the hard drive magnets will bite you they are very strong i stick 3 to my bed of my truck and 1 in door always 1 close by ,hard drives magnets are free too....
I'm finding the hard drive magnets too strong for daily use - yes, they DO bite! I haven't decided yet what uses I'll have for them. I want a microwave magnet to play with next.
Grab a old speaker, break the circle magnet off, attach on key ring. Strong enough when you need but not strong enough to keep you stuck to everything.
Works for me. I leave the hd magnets in the shop, in the van, an in the toolbox. Mainly for one I leave my keys somewhere. lol. Lest I always got a magnet.
Sirscrapalot - Get busy living, or get busy dying. - Stephen King
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