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  1. #1
    Bear started this thread.
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    Reviving an old 18V Ryobi Battery Pack

    Got some chuckles a couple days ago after mentioning trying to revive an older battery pack by using two 12V batteries connected in series -/+to-/+ making it 24V total. These batteries were so far gone they wouldn't charge under any circumstances, or no matter how long it was left in the charger. Neither would give any charging indications, just a green and orange(error) light. I recently picked up a couple old riding mowers and managed to get both batteries to charge, so I finally had my two 12V batteries to try this with.

    I went back today looking for the website where I'd found this explained. It's at How to Fix 18V Ryobi Batteries |

    I hooked up the mower batteries, got a sleeved shirt and safety glasses, and followed the procedure to a t, connect- one thousand one- disconnect, connect-one thousand two- disconnect. Three one second 24V surges into the dead 18V non-charge-able battery. It was so eventless that after doing the second battery I even had to tap the wires together to check if they would even spark, yeppers, sparks!

    Brought em in to the charger, put the first one in, green light/orange light-blink-Red charge light came on! It's already charged and gone to green now, turning the cordless like new

    Soon as the charger cools a bit I'll see how the other one fares

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