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milwakee sawzawl at the flea maket

| Tools and Equipment
  1. #1
    bluemeate started this thread.
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    milwakee sawzawl at the flea maket

    first one i found, tool dude wanted $75

    next few ones i found, they wanted $50

    last one i passed by near the end of the day, dude was like "30 and its yours, buy now! buy now!"

    what should i know about buying a used sawzawl? what are the chances of it now working? anything i can do to safeguard my purchase? like ask for a reciept and buy from the expensive guy who is always there every day?

    should i just say **** it and take a chance on the 30 dollar sawzawl from old mr mexico ill never see again? should i just bite the bullet and buy new - are there any companies with no questions asked warrenty departments - how much a a NIB sawzawl from one of them??

    i have very very limited mechanical experience (pretty much limited to working on bikes and starting already working lawn mowers), so if its not plug and play working, i wont really have any idea how to trouble shoot it and get it working

    also check out this stuff i got for $26 dollars at the flea market, got the roll of copper for $2 and swooped the metal bar crossing the traintracks on the way out
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  2. #2
    Gravitar's Avatar
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    Nice score on the copper wire spool. Good sawzall too.

  3. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I'd say if the motor doesn't smell burnt then you should be good to go, does the seller have a electric outlet nearby that he can plug it in to show you it runs? I'd ask that,,,

    From what I'm seeing they run new from $89.00 up to $ 204.00 depending on how big (amps) the sawzall is.
    Here's a link, lient=firefox-a&hs=1X1&rls=org.mozilla:en-USfficial&channel=np&prmd=imvns&source=univ&tbm=shop &tbo=u&sa=X&ei=CKteUJW-AobyyAH_q4HwCw&ved=0CFEQsxg&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw. r_qf.&fp=e6f984feac0bf7d7&biw=1152&bih=723
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  4. #4
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    I would have took the chance,but first was it a super saw zall?Did the blade have the quick change option or was a Allen wrench needed?Varible speed is also nice.

  5. #5
    BarrenRealms007's Avatar
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    The top one is an older heavier duty one and looks like it has the quick connect for the blade, the bottom one is a newer one that the cord has a quick connect but it requires an allen wrench to change the blade you can see the rubber strap with the allen wrench. I would have bought to top one.
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  6. #6
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I use the DEWALT 10-Amp Keyless Variable Speed Corded Reciprocating Saw $100.00 NEW at Lowes
    Shop DEWALT 10-Amp Keyless Variable Speed Corded Reciprocating Saw at

    Stop at the Post Office on the way to the store and get a moving kit >> 10% off Lowes coupon

    They also put them on sale every coupe weeks for $90.00
    so with 10% off >> $81.00

    I like the easy blade change and the fact you can put the blade in 4 different ways

    I always have 120 volt available
    BUT I noticed when I was looking this up for you they also have the same saw in the 18 volt cordless for only $120.00 before the 10%
    Shop DEWALT 18-Volt Variable Speed Cordless Reciprocating Saw at

  7. #7
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    If you do in fact buy that Milwaukee Saw All, you will be buying a good saw. MY step-father has one and I have borrowed it many times, once while cutting the roof and side walls out of a 55ft Reefer Trailer.

    That is an awesome saw. Good Luck on your purchase!!

  8. #8
    bluemeate started this thread.
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    I'd say if the motor doesn't smell burnt then you should be good to go
    what does a burnt motor smell like?

    they have outlets you can test things on the other side of the flea market,

    BUT since i know nothing about tools, are there cases where it may appear to work fine but when i try to actually cut something, then it will just dud out on me.... or maybe they may have somehow rigged another weeks worth of life out of it even though its just about dead?

    i should be able to talk the prices down from 50 to 40 or even 35... would yall take a chance going used?

    also i need a screw gun, any recommendations for hunting one down at the flea market?
    any other tools you recommend i hunt down?

  9. #9
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    About like burnt wiring, should not be any bad smell coming from the motor area.

    On another note, the Milwaukee's are good saws, I'm still using one my dad bought eons ago and it still cuts good. Only thing is I had to replace the cord once.

  10. #10
    Eepah's Avatar
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    Hey Bluemeate:

    As long as the motor doesn't smell burnt, you should be good to go. Local tool repair guys should be able to fix it (if it needs it). I've done some repair work on the side and Milwaukee makes some of the best equipment out there. Even if it's broke, it's worth repairing (within reason of course).

    As far as a screwdriver goes, I would go with the cordless Ryobi. I have had one of these for over 10 years and have beat that thing up! Haven't killed it yet. I had a Ryobi cordless sawzall but i dropped it and broke the casing. Taped it back together and that works for the most part. (just lucky on that one I guess)

    For my money, Ryobi, Milwaukee, Chicago Pneumatic and Ingersol Rand are what I use. I also have been an industrial maintenance mechanic for for over 12 years so I have a tendency to buy stuff that will last.

    Just my thoughts
    I'm Eepah, Cuz thats what the grand kids call me!

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