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What a difference sideboards make

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  1. #1
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    What a difference sideboards make

    Figured out how to work around my S10's lack of stake pockets, when I notched my bedliner out a little more to make the clamps for my cap fit better (if I'm going on a road trip, the cap goes so I'll have secondary lodging options LOL), I accidentally created makeshift stake pockets without realizing it. Slid some 2x2's in between the bedliner notch outs and the inner edge of the bedrail and pushed against them, they held BEAUTIFULLY. So I made it a nice weekend afternoon project, and so far, I've been using them to my advantage, just check out this mountain of stuff I got:

    Not too shabby I think...

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  3. #2
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Looked like you doubled your capacity, just make sure you have good ratchet straps for holding it down. If it looks like it's strapped down well then the troopers won't give you a second look.
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  5. #3
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    In the photo I actually have a heavy duty keeper strap, wrapped around both boards and around the lawnmower since I didn't think rope alone would do the trick any further. For part of the way tonight I actually had a cop behind me, he didn't do anything so I must have had everything tied down pretty tight.

    I'm extra fussy about tying everything down...

  6. #4
    newattitude's Avatar
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    i have a bedliner too so I cant get to my pockets, now I know I could actually still make wood sides like you did!

  7. #5
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by newattitude View Post
    i have a bedliner too so I cant get to my pockets, now I know I could actually still make wood sides like you did!
    I tuck the vertical posts in between the bedliner and the inner edge of the bedrails and it works just fine. Unfortunately, my S10 lacked stake pockets and I didn't want to go cutting holes into the bedrails to make my own, so I figured that this was the next best thing. If I had an under the rail liner and not over the rail, I could have used my cap clamps and/or c-clamps to hold them down.
    Last edited by JunkmanDan; 09-26-2012 at 07:23 AM.

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  9. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by JunkmanDan View Post
    In the photo I actually have a heavy duty keeper strap, wrapped around both boards and around the lawnmower since I didn't think rope alone would do the trick any further. For part of the way tonight I actually had a cop behind me, he didn't do anything so I must have had everything tied down pretty tight.

    I'm extra fussy about tying everything down...
    Metal that falls off before you get to the yard don't make any money and pisses people off when they run it over or it lands on their windshield. I wish more people where as fussy as you are. It's always better to spend 15 minutes securing stuff then end up being "that guy" who's lost half the load before he gets to the yard and pissed off everyone else on the road in the process, not to mention pissing off the cops who will take it out on every iron hauler they see. So in short, thanks for not being "that guy" .
    Alvord iron and salvage
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  10. #7
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    Metal that falls off before you get to the yard don't make any money and pisses people off when they run it over or it lands on their windshield. I wish more people where as fussy as you are. It's always better to spend 15 minutes securing stuff then end up being "that guy" who's lost half the load before he gets to the yard and pissed off everyone else on the road in the process, not to mention pissing off the cops who will take it out on every iron hauler they see. So in short, thanks for not being "that guy" .
    You mean like this guy??

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  12. #8
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    Exactly !

  13. #9
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You mean like this guy??

    Saw a roll back at the yard yesterday. Had 4 cars on it. I was impressed. Didn't hang over the bed though.

  14. #10
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    You mean like this guy??

    Looks like a fellow NY'er too (NY state troopers have dark blue cars with yellow markings, so that's how I know this is from NY state), and one of the many idiots this state is known for being home to.

  15. #11
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Here's another idiot from NY, dark blue police truck with yellow markings, NY State Police stopped him. That's the dead giveaway this was from NY...
    Last edited by JunkmanDan; 09-27-2012 at 05:49 AM.

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  17. #12
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    JunkmanDan could you post a pic of it empty? Im looking to do the same thing. Thanks

  18. #13
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by james2144 View Post
    JunkmanDan could you post a pic of it empty? Im looking to do the same thing. Thanks
    Will do, just bear with me since, as of the time of this writing, I have another load in there that I gotta dump off, but the yards are closed on Sundays...

  19. #14
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    Here's one from tonight showing how these boards are serving me more than well, nothing quite like scrapping under the light of a full autumn moon:

  20. #15
    JunkmanDan started this thread.
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    I was asked earlier in this thread how I did this, I figured I would show a picture guide as to how I set up these boards. I don't know if this counts as "digging up an old thread" but if it does I apologize ahead of time. Anyway, onto how I did it.

    My s10, like most compact/midsize pickups (exceptions include the Ford Ranger/Mazda B-series and 1st and 2nd gen Dodge Dakota), did not come with stake pockets in the bedrails, so I improvised in making my boards. Not too long after I bought the truck, I bought a cap for it for times when I need to keep certain things back there out of the elements (pain to scrap with it on though). It required notching out my over-the-rail bedliner more than it was by the factory cargo tie-downs:

    The left front cap clamp mounting point/makeshift pocket:

    The left rear one:

    The right front one:

    The right rear one:

    These four points serve as the vertical post mounting points for my boards. The L/F one is actually a couple inches shallower than the rest because of how the fuel tank inlet hose routes underneath the bed. The routing necessitated a "curve" in the bed floor over the tank inlet, but that was a minor issue in the end.

    The tension on the posts by the bedliner, as well as any loads pushing outward against them, help keep them stable, I'm planning to make a cross-brace in the front of the bed to link both boards for better support and to make a window protector. The only real downside to my set-up is that it's more difficult to get keeper straps onto the factory tie downs since the vertical support posts kinda get in the way:

    But I do have alternate points that I use for tie-downs/rope where it's only a minor issue. In addition to the front cross-brace/mesh window protector, I am also planning on making barn doors to go above the tailgate...

  21. #16
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    I tried to reply it did not work so here is the 2nd try

    side boards are great or a cage like mine you can get about 2 1/2 times the stuff

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  23. #17
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    You leave the spare tire chilling on the roof when the bed is full or what ?

  24. #18
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    I've got a C70 stragiht truck, with a 18 ft payload flatbed, with lift, and I've found putting plyboard horiztal gave me an extra three feet of metal to load up, giving me a total gross of about 5 tons of steel, Never thought about vertical yet, but perhaps too flimsy, DOT may not like that.

    but nice job on your retro fit.
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  25. #19
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    Tire is up there all of the time Junkmandan where do you keep yours I can not keep mine under due to low when loaded

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  27. #20
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    lol that pic is funny lol

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