go to the "introduce yourself" section and say hi to the forum, and three other people there, then you will have 5 posts, and be able to post your photos in your threads

I'd like to see them too, but on my old slow connection it isn't possible to view videos. I went to the topdotcom place today to see your lawn tractor forklift, but as stated, it was near the bottom, and would have to wait for all 50 photos above it, that I wasn't interested in, to load, before it would show.
By posting them within your thread, Via a photo hosting site such as photobucket or upsimple.com (my pick, it's in french, just use the bottom link ; ), and insert your photos link into the "insert image" icon's pop-up box (less the preloaded http in it) you'll be doing yourself and us both a favor

BTW, Welcome to SMF!