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My setup not the best but it works for me - Page 2

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  1. #1
    jrpbullrider started this thread.
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Thumbs up My setup not the best but it works for me

    the sign is about to be replaced just have not done it yet, got about 5 clamps on it too. I also carry 2 wood staffs if I need them I got the, and what you don't see is a 12 ga shotgun I carry if I see snakes (and yes I have used it a lot)

    there is also a tanker bar in the white tube you can not see, the coiled wire is used sometimes to tie stuff together that go into the yard ie frig doors I always have stuff in them, the magnet on a stick is made by me from stuff I got for free and it has saved my tires more times than I can count

    and the wire stripper I use

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