Bear is right on far as replies..Like that old saying, more flies with honey, around here you get more replies with a introduction. We're also easily pleased, even more so when folks become friends with the search box. Yea it can be like trying to explain to a drunk why its not a good idea to dump ketchup in the yard and try to use it as a slip n'slide (true story!)but unlike the drunk friend it can be helpful but not as amusing. :P
Oh an to be on topic..Every trailer should have a spot for a traveling cooler. Seriously, it's own spot, not just a free space, its very own personal space. You'll thank yourself at the end of a long day of hard work, and your able to reach into that nice chilly cooler and pull out a cold beverage.
Sirscrapalot - Blame Bear for the replies, he made me feel guilty with his whole "I'm the only one up this late" thread.