i would say go with the ford but i am a ford guy. you will probably get better mileage with the 5.4 but i thought the 4.3 chevy should do alot better then 10. if you do get the ford make sure you keep up on oil changes and make sure you ONLY use 5W20 i have had to replace alot of these engines that werent properly maintained. my only complaint on the 5.4 is the exhaust manifold studs breaking in the head and the manifolds rusting out, seems to be a every other week job for me but we maintain alot of fleet vehicles and see ALOT of 5.4s. the other thing on the 5.4 and other modular fords, 4.6 5.4 and 6.8 are the coils, there is 1 coil per cylinder and ford didnt design them the best so you may want to keep a spare on hand, they are a piece of cake to change, 1 7mm bolt and i wire connector. if you keep the maintnence up on it and treat it right you should easily see well over 200,000 miles on a 5.4