Hmmm, I was thinking the major brands were the 4.5 inch ones, but that has nearly the same specs as my chicago tools made in china 4" purchased for $15 about 7 or 8 years ago at harbor freight to grind welds(imagine that ; ) on a utility trailer project. I only realized it was a 4" when beginning to look for cut-off wheels to go on it, and according to some
amazon reviews I just read on yours, 4" accessories are harder to find. I prefer name brand tools too, and they do have a better look to them when sitting amongst the other tools, but when times are lean, I'll take what I can get. You can usually get better life out of the cheaper tools if you'll do some preventative maintenance on them up front, or at least before they're shot, by putting good grease in gears and good oil on bearings etc.
Apart from what Mech said about cutting, I don't have much to add about other uses, since cutting is about the best use I have for it now. Other than cutting motor and transformer windings, which I'm better equipped to do with a metal blade in a 10" miter saw, those 4" are good for straight long cuts on metal projects, and cutting bent & rusty bolts on tear downs