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new sawsall blades - Page 2

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  1. #21
    shaun319's Avatar
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    torch is the best blade I have used but I won't use them on converters I know have a type of exhaust pipe going into the converter as certain one's will chew through blades (lumina's, grand prix's etc) so I stick with cheaper one's for those pipes, and when it comes to those pita dodge vans I start by cutting the carpet, drive a stepper bit through the floor and cut a big hole in the floor, once you do a few it doesn't take long at all

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  3. #22
    sledge's Avatar
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    Dredging this one up again.
    Question: Should I buy metal blades in 14 TPI or 18 TPI? Some of the things I will be cutting will be thick wall steel.. others will be sheet metal. Looking to buy a 25 pack of 6" and a 25 pk of 9" Now All I really need to figure out is which TPI would be the most beneficial. Thoughts out there?
    I'm so into scrapping.. When my Steel Toe Boots Wear out, I cut the Steel out of them and recycle the Toe!

  4. #23
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    I use the 10 TPI and have found it to be a good all around metal blade

    I just did a pack of 100 each of the 6" and 9" on May 13th >> Good seller >> FAST shipping
    He does sell smaller quantities
    Milwaukee 48 01 7712 6" 10 TPI The Torch Sawzall Blade 100 PK | eBay
    Milwaukee 48 01 7713 9" 10 TPI The Torch Sawzall Blade 100 PK | eBay

    Sellers complete list sawzall blades he has for sale at this time
    blade sawzall from greatlakespowertools | eBay

  5. #24
    JohnC4X4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge View Post
    Dredging this one up again.
    Now All I really need to figure out is which TPI would be the most beneficial. Thoughts out there?
    Maybe go to local Lowes or Home Depot type store and pick up 2 of the 14 and 18 TPI blades
    Try them out << Make the bigger purchase after you know which one you like best

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  7. #25
    sledge's Avatar
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    John- All good advice. I went with the 18TPI and bought a 25 pk each from that seller. So With the consensus here of being these badboys are just that.. I doubt I'll be disappointed. Sometimes I can analyze crap to death!

    I've always used Lenox blades or whatever usually comes my way. My clients have never allowed me to buy blades of this caliber.. but since these will be for a big project of my own.. I'm trying to work smarter not harder. Amazing the range in price, and quality of blades out there.. the sheer number of choices is mindboggling!

  8. #26
    shaun319's Avatar
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    one problem with that ebay seller for me... he doesn't ship to Canada... but I just received my order of 6" 14tpi's from another seller today.

    If I do have to buy blades in a hurry I go with Lenox blades

  9. #27
    sledge's Avatar
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    Got my 25 packs each of 9" and 6" today. Bummer they don't ship to Canada. They were packed bulletproof and I can't wait to try these things out!

  10. #28
    sawmilleng's Avatar
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    Sledge, have customers telling you what kind of sawzall blades to use? Well, I guess they are supplying you blades, so you don't get to choose what you prefer, but do you mind explaining how your situation works? It sounds a bit different and interesting!!


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  12. #29
    sledge's Avatar
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    I am a general contractor so when I need to purchase blades for a job or replace what has been burned through.. yes the client is paying for time and materials. In most cases all I ever need are some Lowes bought blades. But if I were to bring my receipt in for the blades I just bought totaling about $140 to my current client.. he would crap. Even though in the long run he would save money by me buying in bulk for better blades that last longer.

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