If I would have stayed in hauling rv's for a living I was going to take my Chevy duallie (diesel) and have the motor and trans removed.
I would have sold them to pay for the conversion. I had a Mercedes-Benz 5 cyl and a 5 speed out of a box delivery truck lined up, and a friend(mechanic) game enough to do the conversion. Our thinking was, better milage, better life span, and more power. At the time I could have bought the package for $700. The Mercedes were getting way over 500,000 before any major servicing was needed.
Other wise, I loved my Chevy duallie. They should have bought some companies diesel motor and put them in their trucks, that way they could compete with the Fords. I had my pump rebuilt by a diesel repair company and it increased my fuel milage and at the time I could outpull the 6.9 ford trucks.