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Recommendation for a RAM tester?

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  1. #1
    Mick started this thread.
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    Recommendation for a RAM tester?

    I'm planning to start testing RAM, Hard Drives and CPUs for sale as "tested & working". In researching RAM testing machines, I keep coming back to considering setting up a motherboard with the MEMTEST PRO. One of the arguments against this was the connectors wear out with use. That's not really a problem as I'd just set up another motherboard (I manage to get a few). The other argument is that running the test takes hours vs minutes with a testing machine (MEMTEST is on a CD, runs on the computer and is like $45. RAMCHECK is a stand alone machine and costs $3700). For me, the MEMTEST seems sufficient. I'd be testing at most, maybe, dozens of sticks/wk. If I really needed to - set up another motherboard or two. WAY cheaper than $3700. Anybody use either/both? Am I missing something?

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  2. #2
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Save your money and just use a motherboard. I dont even run memtest anymore before selling ram. I just plug it in and let it boot to bios. I do get a couple returns once in a while but not very often. I have 4 machines I use for testing. PC133 ddr ddr2 and ddr3 plus 3 laptops for the ddr ddr2 and ddr3. Ive run over 5000 sticks threw my ddr2 machine and havnt worn out the ram slots yet. If you get a board with 4 ram slots and test them one at a time you have to go threw all 4 slots before you ruin the board.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Don't you need a different m'board for the different ram styles?? M'boards are not universal.
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  5. #4
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    Don't you need a different m'board for the different ram styles?? M'boards are not universal.
    Yeah thats why I said I had 4 machines. 1 for pc100 ram, 1 for ddr, 1 for ddr2, 1 for ddr3. Then 3 laptops for each type of ddr ram too.

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  7. #5
    AuburnEwaste's Avatar
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    Memtest is kind of a waste of time. If the machine boots to bios and shows the correct amount of RAM, 99.99% of the time they are good. The problem you can run into with older machines is that they can only recognize 3GB(or sometimes 3.5GB). If the 4th stick is bad, you may not notice. On DDR machines I usually just do two at a time to make sure. I have tested hundreds of sticks on the same machines and they have not worn out yet.

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  9. #6
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    Mick dont pay for memtest either. If you have never haerd of ultimate boot disk then here is a link for it. Ultimate Boot CD - Overview Has everything you need to test memory even memory on video cards.

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