Ok Folks. I just got in my new leaf springs for my 16' Car Hauler and I have a question.
Each Spring has a Leaf Spring "wrap"- but only on one end of the spring. The springs are equal from center to eye- so you literally could install them either direction. My question is (after a bunch of unsuccessful googling) is where would/should you place the spring "wraps" if you were going to install them?

Here is an actual picture of what I have ordered:

I created some crude photoshop renderings. Every picture on the net I saw seemed to be different. I'm thinking in a logical way that these "wraps" have some benefit to them or why would they place them on only 1 end of the leaf spring? So I would like to see if anyone here may know the answer.

Ok so here is a picture of a normal tandem axle trailer suspension set-up- Notice I am using the Left of the picture as the "Front of the trailer" and the Right as the "Back of the Trailer"

Here are my options (noting the gray line as representing the leaf spring "wrap"
#1: Placing the springs in with both "wraps" facing towards the front of the trailer

#2: Placing both "wraps" at the center towards the equalizer

#3: Placing both wraps facing towards the BACK of the trailer

#4 Placing one wrap towards the "front" of the trailer, and one towards the back of the trailer

Any ideas ladies and gents?