Originally Posted by
Without it being as in-depth as your post- those were my thoughts as well! Thanks for articulating it and digging into this for me.. and others to follow!!
Bear: That is hilarious that you have the same springs I just ordered.. what are the chances?
I appreciate all the input gents!!
It's probably just the standard spring for that size axle. They were attached to the axle when I got it, but I already had springs on the trailer, so I took em off and mounted the axle onto the trailer. They've seldom seen the light of day, and I've seldom given them a second thought. They're a bit longer than I recalled, I thought they were even smaller till I went and looked.
Not sure if I'd ever find springs the size I've got now, but they'll eventually need some attention I suppose. When I did hotshot truck parts deliveries around Nashville, there was a man had a shop there and would replace broken springs, I think he made them from stock material, cut them to size.
At least in the future we'll never need to ask em what that dam strap is for again ; )