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    sledge started this thread.
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    Leaf Spring "Wrap" Orientation on Tandem Axle Trailer- Need Advice

    Ok Folks. I just got in my new leaf springs for my 16' Car Hauler and I have a question.
    Each Spring has a Leaf Spring "wrap"- but only on one end of the spring. The springs are equal from center to eye- so you literally could install them either direction. My question is (after a bunch of unsuccessful googling) is where would/should you place the spring "wraps" if you were going to install them?

    Here is an actual picture of what I have ordered:

    I created some crude photoshop renderings. Every picture on the net I saw seemed to be different. I'm thinking in a logical way that these "wraps" have some benefit to them or why would they place them on only 1 end of the leaf spring? So I would like to see if anyone here may know the answer.

    Ok so here is a picture of a normal tandem axle trailer suspension set-up- Notice I am using the Left of the picture as the "Front of the trailer" and the Right as the "Back of the Trailer"

    Here are my options (noting the gray line as representing the leaf spring "wrap"
    #1: Placing the springs in with both "wraps" facing towards the front of the trailer

    #2: Placing both "wraps" at the center towards the equalizer

    #3: Placing both wraps facing towards the BACK of the trailer

    #4 Placing one wrap towards the "front" of the trailer, and one towards the back of the trailer

    Any ideas ladies and gents?
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  2. #2
    brandon's Avatar
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    The wrap looks like it is made of a very light metal, most of the time they are there to keep the leafs in place during the manufacturing process. It shouldn't matter where you put since you said the pin is center from eye to eye.
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    sledge started this thread.
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    Thanks for chiming in. I pulled mine out of the box.. they seem to be thicker than the picture and are of decent gauge material. They are also painted black- maybe these I received were an upgrade from the thin "wraps" and its and old picture. Would that change how you would install them.. with the given "new information?" Thanks!

  5. #4
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    Sledge, I think they are called rebound clips. This is the best discussion I could find on them.

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    Christopheranswered4 year ago

    I have never heard of a rebound clip. If you are referring to the straps around the leaf spring, those are only there to keep the springs from rotating side to side. They are always located on the front of the spring assembly, if there is only one. Most manufacturers used one on the front and rear. Hope this helps. Christopher

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  7. #5
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    Sledge, I think they are called rebound clips. This is the best discussion I could find on them.

    Best AnswerVoter's Choice
    Christopheranswered4 year ago
    I have never heard of a rebound clip. If you are referring to the straps around the leaf spring, those are only there to keep the springs from rotating side to side. They are always located on the front of the spring assembly, if there is only one. Most manufacturers used one on the front and rear. Hope this helps. Christopher
    Cool thanks. So with that information.. They should be installed as in my "Pic #1" then correct? Both "Clips or wraps" installed towards the Front of the trailer?

  8. #6
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    sledge, that is how I understood it from the discussion that I was reading.

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    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by freonjoe View Post
    sledge, that is how I understood it from the discussion that I was reading.
    Coolio. Thanks for digging that up.. I'm having a tough time finding those types of discussions.. so I started my own here on the SMF!

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  12. #8
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I think I would stop by a trailer dealer and look at a couple on the lot and see how the "pro's" put them together.
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  14. #9
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    As stated, probably to the front, with this in mind, most vehicle equalizers are to the rear, and if it was my guess I'd put them away from the equalizers, but, as also was stated, it might be best to call the manufacturer for recommendations or check with a good trailer maker and see how they do it. It's possible if you just look at any trailer yard, they could been assembled by somebody in the back, who doesn't know haha

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  16. #10
    sledge started this thread.
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    Thanks Mechanic and Bear: I was thinking of going with Pic #4.. my logic is as follows: Placing the "help" with the wrap towards each hanger (one in front and one towards the back) and having the equalizer there to do its job of relieving the stress and strain by shifting the load weight.

    But Mechanic: Yes, that was my thought too- run up to the local trailer shop and taking a peek at their trailers on the lot to see "how they run them"

    Thanks guys!

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  18. #11
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    Quote Originally Posted by sledge42 View Post
    But Mechanic: Yes, that was my thought too- run up to the local trailer shop and taking a peek at their trailers on the lot to see "how they run them"
    Thanks guys!
    Haha, after posting last night I grabbed the flashlight and went out to see if mine would give a clue, my leafs came off an oldddd U-haul, but it had em both front and back. I just went out and studied them again, each has seven leafs, with the wrap around the longest 3, snugged agin the ends of the 4th. I have no clue the main purpose of it but think maybe it could either be lending support to the longest ones, or maybe to keep them from "flapping" after bumps

  19. #12
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    Haha, after posting last night I grabbed the flashlight and went out to see if mine would give a clue, my leafs came off an oldddd U-haul, but it had em both front and back. I just went out and studied them again, each has seven leafs, with the wrap around the longest 3, snugged agin the ends of the 4th. I have no clue the main purpose of it but think maybe it could either be lending support to the longest ones, or maybe to keep them from "flapping" after bumps
    So your's are set up like "Pic #4" Both away from the equilizer? If I am reading your post correctly?
    I wish I had that option.. Looks as if mine have fallen off.. Looooooong ago! Probably the reason the trailer isn't quite up to snuf as it should be in that dept.. thus the reason for the new springs he he!

  20. #13
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    there's only one equalizer, it's to the rear. Actually Sledge, until seeing your diagram I'd presumed they were always to the rear, at least any I'd ever noted were, which I'd also presumed was to give the leading end the solid mount, and the trailing end necessary flex for the springs

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  22. #14
    sledge started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bear View Post
    there's only one equalizer, it's to the rear. Actually Sledge, until seeing your diagram I'd presumed they were always to the rear, at least any I'd ever noted were, which I'd also presumed was to give the leading end the solid mount, and the trailing end necessary flex for the springs
    Ok so now I am totally confused. With my crude Photoshop "illustrations" how are the ones on your trailer set-up?

  23. #15
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    There are "wraps" on both front and rear of each spring, but only on the longest 3(of 7 leafs)
    The front of the spring is in a solidly anchored bolt

    The rear of the springs are in a floating, swiveled assembly, that you're noting as an equalizer

    After looking at it in the photos, my thoughts are that it's purpose may be to keep the longer leafs from wandering around loose, or drifting. They once had two, now only one(whoever told them to drop the other is now residing in the Bahamas ; )

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  25. #16
    sledge started this thread.
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    I see now. Thanks.. Sometimes I need pictures to "get it"
    I think with a Single Axle trailer though.. the rules may differ.. I'm really not sure.

    I even contacted and they didn't understand what I was asking. May take the 5 minute drive to the trailer shop and take a peek. He he!

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  27. #17
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    hahaha ; ) etrailer sales etc wouldn't know, best to find a smaller manufacturer and talk to the guys in their fab shop, or their shop foreman
    Mine originally had a drop axle, after clearing the U-bolts it went straight up a few inches and then turned out into the spindle, leaving the U-bolts too close to the pavement in case of a flat @ 70mph, so I had the straight axle built at a local trailer place for $150. The only thing original to the Uhaul axle frame I started with is the leaf springs and the angle it's supported on/attached to.
    I hadn't even looked under mine for at least 5 or 6 years, until I took those photos. It looks like at least one of my leafs might need some attention.
    How was that etrailer place for springs?

  28. #18
    sledge started this thread.
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    I'm a bargain hunter. I cannot find any place on the web- including Ebay (which I usually strike some cheap deals) to find parts cheaper. My springs cost me a mere $20 each. And right now they are continually looping a count down timer to ship any order over $50 bucks Free.
    I ended up buying the whole shooting match
    4 springs
    New Ubolts
    New Equalizer and hardware
    Saved nearly $50 bucks on shipping alone.
    Think my order for the entire suspension system for a 4 wheel trailer cost me less than $150 shipped to my door. No one out there touches them.. certainly not the local trailer shop.

    I'm also in the market for some LED tail lights- got the model #, went googling and the cheapest price still came right back to etrailer. HA!
    I also placed my order on Sunday- the order arrived on Tuesday at 1:30. They are out of MO, so it was a quick ship to me- but they don't mess around.

    I've bought other things there in the past- my WD hitch and 10,000 lb ball- fast, cheapest I can find, and great ship time. Good place for sure!

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  30. #19
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    exactly how long are those springs ? center eye to center eye

  31. #20
    sledge started this thread.
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    Bear: I ordered the PR4B
    "This 4-leaf double-eye spring is 25-1/4" long x 1-3/4" wide. It is designed for use with 3,500-lb trailer axles"

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