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diesel fuel

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  1. #1
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    diesel fuel

    I saw another thread that this issue came up and did not want to turn the attention away from the intent of the thread. I have found some valuable information on the forum in threads that had nothing to do with information I found valuable.

    I use to run mixed fuel or # 1 in the winter, but did not like the loss of fuel mileage or power (maybe it was all in my head.) Now I run # 2 and add Power Services additive year round. It prevents gelling in the winter and keeps the injectors clean. The cost is made up in the price difference in fuel and I hope the injectors last longer. 2000 F-350 7.3 with 250,000 miles, original owner with no problems.

    I do the same thing with diesel machinery running dyed fuel. I can get # 1 or # 2, but stick with # 2 with additive. I am sure other brands on the market are just as effective, but this is the one I use. I stated in another thread the problem of gelled equipment, but I have not experienced it yet. My reference was to those that switch fuels and get caught off guard with the first cold snap. Farmers buy fuel in bulk and if we have an early cold blast, they have problems. Several farmers have thanked me for the advice and now pour the additive directly in their bulk fuel tanks. We have extreme winters here and I do not know anyone using the additive that has had problems.

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    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    When I hauled RV's all over the US, I had a place in Mich rebuild the pump in my Chevy, and they recommended a mix of cheap auto tranny fluid and Power Service. I used the small Heet bottles and refilled them with mix and a bottle went into each side tank every fillup. Never had a problem after that with the pump/injectors. It will clean up some of the smoke and make a little more power but in the winter it was always plugged in. If you ever have to buy a diesel starter ($$$) you won't want to do it again. Plugging it in just helps the whole starting process.
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  5. #3
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    I never buy diesel except to start brush pile fires around on the place here. I knew dyed fuel was tax free and meant only for farm and offroad equipment, but never knew the #1 and #2? Every time I look at the pump all I recall it saying is Diesel

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  7. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    The #1 has a higher cetane rating, kind of like an octane rating for gas.

    Cetane number - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

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  9. #5
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    That stuff does help lube stuff but you really dont need it.It may make your stuff last longer but who knows.
    I know someone with a 05 cummins dually every fill up he adds a quart of transmission fluid to it.The truck has over 600k miles on it and has never had a problem

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  11. #6
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    Quote Originally Posted by Focker View Post
    That stuff does help lube stuff but you really dont need it.It may make your stuff last longer but who knows.
    I know someone with a 05 cummins dually every fill up he adds a quart of transmission fluid to it.The truck has over 600k miles on it and has never had a problem
    Yep, the trans fluid has a high detergent to it that keeps the injectors and pumps scrubbed clean of waxy buildup.

    My Chevy diesel lasted 480,000 before I sold the motor and installed a 454 big block to haul bigger RV's.

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  13. #7
    Patriot76 started this thread.
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    Do you add a quart of transmission fluid to each tank full of diesel? Is there a brand that works better than other?

  14. #8
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    I recall hearing(prior to open forums, haha imagine that!) of service stations filling used gas treatment bottles with transmission fluid and putting it back on the shelf ; ) There was also an old trick of pouring it directly into a revved carburetor to burn smudge off the valves

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  16. #9
    jord0690's Avatar
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    Trans fluid in the fuel.. huh, im gonna give that a shot with the old cummins, and make it regular practice when I get my new one.

    Im splurging on a new...ish truck in a month or so. Low mileage 05-06 cummins 6 speed. Sick of stupid unreliable trucks and sick of dodge auto trannys. The old 99 is a b*tch and is giving me lots of trouble lately. So if this trans fluid in the fuel helps make stuff last, im all for it!
    If I didn't have bad luck, I'd have no luck at all...

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  18. #10
    tski72's Avatar
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    diesel fuel

    When you talk about adding anything other than diesel fuel to diesel fuel, you need to take in account the age of the engine. The newer ones, like really new ones, don't add anything but conditioners, old ones can run on anything that is combustible. If it is flammable, you can burn it, but take it from a diesel mechanic, don't think you can just switch over anytime you like, some tuning and set up is necessary.
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  20. #11
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    Remember the tune Midnight Rider? I think(although I'm not sure what they said) it mighta been about me. I was out one night in my folks Karman Ghia, and wheeled into a truckstop to get gas, before going home. After sitting there for an indeterminable amount of time I decided that filler couldn't be so hard for me to operate, and got out and began filling the tank. The station operator was waving madly at me, from his position under a truck in the shop, but I played it all too cool for that ; )
    By the time he got there, and informed me that I was filling up a volkswagon with diesel fuel, I was out of money anyway, So, I drove it on home.
    My Dad said it drove kinda funny, and smoked a lot, but in the long run, it maybe ran a little better : D

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  22. #12
    caleb7210's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by jord0690 View Post
    Trans fluid in the fuel.. huh, im gonna give that a shot with the old cummins, and make it regular practice when I get my new one.

    Im splurging on a new...ish truck in a month or so. Low mileage 05-06 cummins 6 speed. Sick of stupid unreliable trucks and sick of dodge auto trannys. The old 99 is a b*tch and is giving me lots of trouble lately. So if this trans fluid in the fuel helps make stuff last, im all for it!
    I wouldn't run it in your new truck because its a common rail, maybe try it one tank of fuel to clean the injectors but I wouldn't make it a habit. You could just about run sand through your 24v lol. Some say run 2 stroke oil through a tank of fuel to help lubricate the injectors, but 2 stroke oil is pretty ashy and can cause injectors to stick in a common rail if you use to much. I just stick with power service in my LB7 Duramax lol

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  24. #13
    luniticfriend's Avatar
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    Patriot, In my stuff I run the mercron dextron 3, seems to work the best over the rest. Detergent and conditions all in one. Type f doesn't seem to clean as much. I also use the power service in the white jug. It works very well and have yet to be jelled up, if you do have a problem with jelling the is p.s. 911 in a red jug or there is pellet style (I don't remember the name of it) but that works very well if your jelled up. With the new soy based fuel also I like to run a half quart of (10-30 summer and 5-30 in winter) engine oil per 35 gallons of fuel. Seems to give it a little extra and a bit more mileage, and is better than the "soy shield" from Schaffers. Another thing that I have been seeing is if you don't put a lot of miles on you should dump in some algae eater (helps keep it down and things running and flowing like they should be.

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  26. #14
    cummins's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    When I hauled RV's all over the US, I had a place in Mich rebuild the pump in my Chevy, and they recommended a mix of cheap auto tranny fluid and Power Service. I used the small Heet bottles and refilled them with mix and a bottle went into each side tank every fillup. Never had a problem after that with the pump/injectors. It will clean up some of the smoke and make a little more power but in the winter it was always plugged in. If you ever have to buy a diesel starter ($$$) you won't want to do it again. Plugging it in just helps the whole starting process.
    2 stroke oil works well. i only buy number 1, most stations north of the boarder don't tell you what grade the diesel is you have to find out the hard way when you get 200km less a tank. the only reason is i know this petrocanada sells grade 1 diesel is because it only cost me 150 a week when i fill up their, 200 and the value gas station, i always ask what grade the diesel is if its a new place i'm filling up at they never know. or the Indian fella says only number #1 boss

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