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  1. #1
    shaun319 started this thread.
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    what are some of the "non-standard" scrapping tools that you use?

    I am sure a lot of us could fill a tool box with the same tools we use when scrapping/tearing down but I am curious as to some of the oddball tools you are using?

    one of my favorite things when breaking down smaller things especially if they are mainly plastic is a brick hammer

    not only do you get the solid hammering from the square face, but that chisel end is great for busting into things, works really well to tear small transformers off of boards, and if something ticks you off is a great way to re-leave the stress from it

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  3. #2
    numbers's Avatar
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    I use a painters 5-in-1. It ends up being used as a chisel, a pry bar and a screwdriver. Of course I always have one in my pocket as that is what I use to open the tailgate on my truck.

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  5. #3
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    what are some of the "non-standard" scrapping tools that you use?

    fence pliers are my favorite non standard item. use them all the time.

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  7. #4
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    Bottle opener.
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  9. #5
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    ok, can you tell us how you use them?

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  11. #6
    afmedic279's Avatar
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    Kitchen knifes for stripping wire or cutting stuff. My favorite are either the serrated paring knifes or a coring knife ? The blades about about 4 inches long kinda like a paring knife.

  12. #7
    shaun319 started this thread.
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    interested in how you use the bottle opener? unless you mean for opening bottles while sitting and relaxing stripping wire?

  13. #8
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    what are some of the "non-standard" scrapping tools that you use?

    the pliers have a flat hammer on one side, different size openings for bolts on the top. snip slots on the side. and a curved point on the back side. its pliers, dikes, hammer, and chisel all in one. used for fixing fence so good weight but they are the size of channellocks so a bit bulcky for pants pockets. also a screw hoist for those of us that don't have winches. hang it from a strong tree limb in a field. cut cars in half or pull motors over to it. pick up item, back truck and trailer under neath. most have a long chain so you don't ever have to put any part of yourself under the hoisted object.

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  15. #9
    ParkerFlyer4's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaun319 View Post
    I am sure a lot of us could fill a tool box with the same tools we use when scrapping/tearing down but I am curious as to some of the oddball tools you are using?

    one of my favorite things when breaking down smaller things especially if they are mainly plastic is a brick hammer

    not only do you get the solid hammering from the square face, but that chisel end is great for busting into things, works really well to tear small transformers off of boards, and if something ticks you off is a great way to re-leave the stress from it
    I thought I was the only one who used this hammer. I use it all the time. Just today I used it to whack some steel rivets off of an aluminum latter to clean it up.

  16. #10
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaun319 View Post
    interested in how you use the bottle opener? unless you mean for opening bottles while sitting and relaxing stripping wire?
    Just kidding. Always drink my beer outta cans.

  17. #11
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    I used table vise to flatten plastic bottles in order to pile it in small space.

  18. #12
    SoOrScrpr's Avatar
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    I like using a San Angelo bar or "spud" bar for smashing stuff while keeping things at arms length. It's also handy for cleaning stuff with lots of screws. Flat end for crushing. Chisel end for separating plastics from metal.

    I also like using a 5' piece of metal conduit with a bend at one end and a speaker magnet affixed to it for "fishing."

  19. #13
    wadarbr549's Avatar
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    i also use an estwing masons hammer, ( block,brick hammer ) it is my favorite tool....i use it more than any other said above i use kitchen knives a lot ..i really like an old serated steak knive, they are the best thing yet for cutting those heavy hoses that are on gas tanks and radiators,,the added length of a kitchen knife seems to help me get into harder places..especially when i can bend it any way i want and if i ruin it ,,oh well, i throw it in what ever im scrapping and go to my flea market stuff and grab another one....

    i also have an old horse shoe peg i have had for is about 2 feet is pointed on one end and blunt on the other, it is made of solid steel.....this bar usually rides in one of the front holes in my bed side...i have used this thing so long i feel naked with out it....i really like it for stripping airconditioner's and most any is the best thing ive found yet for seperating old tin from know when a building or house burns and the tin from the roof is still screwed together...i have a great little system for popping the screws with my old horse shoe peg....also if the screws are real stubborn i can use the point and cut the tin like butter,( once i get in a little groove that is }

    pink,orange, or yellow spray paint,,...all my spud bars , crow bars or basically any other rust colored tool have multiple coats of some kinda high visibility paint on them...where i live there are lots of leaves on the ground all the time...they will camoflauge your tools very easily.....i got tired of loosing my bars all the time,,,so now i make em as bright as possible

    to any one who has ever found themself in a tight spot and they need a gas tank removed in a hurry....if you have limited tools and need to jerk a tank off a car you can take 2 crescent wrenches, close them to where they just fit on the gas tank strap,,then slide them on right beside each other,,,,then just twist the wrenches towards each other,,,once you get a little cut the strap will cut very easy....this works on most gas tank straps..the ones from 4 wheel drives may be to stiff to use this method......i like to use bolt cutters for this job, but i have been in a pinch and not had my bolt cutters with me,,,,in those cases the crescent wrench trick has helped me many can also hook a logging chain to the tank strap and the other end to your truck,,this also works great,,,just be careful and dont get to big of a run...remember when doing this, the harder you jerk,,the harder the chain keeps coming at your truck once the strap breaks.......ive never had an accident doing it like this,,but i can see where it could happen

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  21. #14
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    I can smash a bunch of copper bearing components at once with one of these baby's mines a 9 lb

    Sometimes I smash things with/on a big rock out by the shed. lol
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  22. #15
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    Piece of metal fence post (pipe) Works good for getting leverage on hot water tank valves and tight car lug nuts.

  23. #16
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    I use this Tiawan wrench all the time. One size fits all. My local yard bought 6 tons of them as scrap. They are a little clumsy, but work pretty well. If anyone wants one or 20 pm me.

  24. #17
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    If you knit pick electronics like I do, a good pair of duck-billed pliers are your best friend.

  25. #18
    shaun319 started this thread.
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    for myself and the tools mentioned so far....

    painters 5-in-1 - got one around here somewhere but have only used it when painting or working around the house

    fence pliers - gonna have to pick a pair up to add to the pile

    vice - use all the time for holding/pressing

    spud bar - I got one that I mainly use to pop out car rads

    hand tamper - I use mine for the same thing, smashing copper bearing items with it (20lb all steel)

    tiawan wrench - got a cpl out of a tool box that use to be my ol' mans, never used them though

    the brick hammer, spud bar, and hand tamper... that should say I do landscaping as well and already had the tools for that reason

    hand tamper... one of a landscapers best but most hated tools... one heck of a work out and essential to a good interlock job, if only I had my own quick cut saw.

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  27. #19
    shaun319 started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Trot View Post
    also a screw hoist for those of us that don't have winches. hang it from a strong tree limb in a field. cut cars in half or pull motors over to it. pick up item, back truck and trailer under neath. most have a long chain so you don't ever have to put any part of yourself under the hoisted object.
    I don't have a hoist so when I pull motors I use chain, a come-a-long, and the cross bar (doubled 2x6) over my 8'x8' gate

  28. #20
    NHscrapman's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaun319 View Post
    hand tamper - I use mine for the same thing, smashing copper bearing items with it (20lb all steel)

    hand tamper... one of a landscapers best but most hated tools... one heck of a work out and essential to a good interlock job, if only I had my own quick cut saw.
    Must have forearms like popeye with a twenty lb all steel tamper!!! but your right gotta do it or it's all loosy goosy and walks like junk. Mech posted somewhere he used a pair of large two handed pruners/lopers to cut wire harnesses(brilliant BTY) just had to find an old pair because I wasn't using my fiskars.

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