I have used apex fastener tips ever since I started working on aircraft in 1979. I mentioned this company in another post about fastener bits. Like I said then they are probably the most expensive. They are a California company and I buy mine direct from the manufacturer. Grainger is also a distributor. I have found lots of the other companies bits just don't hold up to regular use. They recently came out with new catalogs in pdf formats on line. Even if you use sombody elses bit, go check out the fastener and bit catalog, it's good info about the various types of fasteners and the correct tools to remove them.
Apex Tool Group this is the web site link and page 8 of the fastener pdf catalog has a pretty good reference for the 18 basic type of fasteners. If it's a fastener this company makes the tools to install and remove them. They are not cheap, but I think the best built for commercial work.