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My Next E-Waste Truck

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  1. #1
    matador started this thread.
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    My Next E-Waste Truck

    It's time for an upgrade!

    I currently have a 15' Ford Box Truck and a 1995 F150 Stepside.

    I keep the box van for my collection events (About 5-6 per year), and use the F150 for my smaller pickups. It just doesn't have enough guts to get the job done well. The box van is too large to be driving down small, residential streets. Plus, it has a bit of a drinking problem.

    Most of my E-Waste business consists of pickups from individuals and small businesses. I try to set up a bunch of pickups at once to maximize my trips. A trip for me can be up to 300 miles round trip, so fuel mileage is a big thing.

    I need something that's fairly big, cheap to run, cheap to buy, and mostly waterproof (I've lost enough stuff to rain).

    I have a trailer I have used before. It's just one of these:

    My thoughts as to what's available:

    1. A Smaller truck (Like a Dodge Dakota) with a cap and my trailer
    2. A bigger truck (F-150 size) with a cap and maybe my trailer
    3. A Cargo type or 15-Passenger Van (Cargo or Passenger with Seats Removed?)
    4. SUV (A Chevrolet Suburban)

    I'd like something that can tow my trailer (2500-3000# loaded) with the bed/back loaded if need be. I don't want to have to turn down stuff or make two trips, because I'm full.

    I used to have a 1992 Dakota with the 3.9 V6. It seemed to haul a lot, but it was pretty beat up. Plus, I never towed with it.


  2. #2
    spinroch's Avatar
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    I sold my Ford F700 box truck (mighty expensive to keep) and bought a Ford E-150 van. I added helper springs and 10 ply tires for scrap yard runs. It gets 15 mpg in town & 18 mpg on the open road. It has A/C and power locks & windows (I deserve it). It can tow a decent sized trailer, too. It is a good compromise. Of course, I MISS the large box truck with the lift gate!
    Last edited by spinroch; 07-13-2014 at 03:03 PM.
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  3. #3
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    You can pack a ton in an astro van. just ask KZ.

  4. #4
    Metalbestos's Avatar
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    I would go with the van personally , I love my ford pick up but if you get a van you don't have to worry about buying a truck cap , just a hitch . I sell all of my clothing , make up , handbags to a guy . I saw him fill a mini van to the brim on many occasions . I was actually very impressed and my next vehicle will be a ford e250 work van . I need something with a back seat for the baby that's coming in a few days . Sadly I must sell my other baby since it does not have back seats .

  5. #5
    Sirscrapalot's Avatar
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    I'm a huge fan of vans, I use a mini van an that suckers gets loaded an full as I can make it.

    Yea..I'm a snowflake.

    Sirscrapalot - Mini-vans, not just for soccer moms anymore.

  6. #6
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Sometimes you can get the 10 pass. vans thru churches pretty cheap if their getting ready for a new one, the car lots usually won't give them hardly nothing for a trade in.
    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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