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  1. #1
    KIWI started this thread.
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    Hi all, Ive been pretty busy the last mounth, but at last my new granulator has arrived after about a three mounth process to get it here.As soon as it got here I explored it to see if all was good, I brought this from China and did exspect some issues, the first thing I checked was the wiring and yes there were some issues no earth connected to three of the four motors no glans holding the wires firmly in place.I got the electrician over and now its all up to Australian standards and runs sweet.I hope to do some tests on Sunday and see how good it is, ill try different size wires and see how the machine reacts to each size and work out any adjustments. If there is any one out there that has used one of these any tips or advise will greatly appreciated it is a AMS 400 MINI Granulator. I will post my findings, here's hopeing I made the right choice for me and the ridiculous amount of cooper wire ive got to get done .HAPPY SCRAPING.

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