I found a real nice homemade trailer that was built right. Even the ramp is solid aluminum for weight. It has slip leafs on it, so they wont break. Just will slide out a bit under load. Even the tongue runs straight from nose to butt unlike most commercial trailers only run to the middle of the trailer. Guy that built it works for a truck fabrication shop and it was built with scraps from work. Im digging it. Even has led brake lights....think its close to 5x8. I wanted a car trailer, but my old 4x6 broke down. Bearing wiped out taking the axle with. More money than its worth to weld a new spindle. So I bought this. Only bad downfall, is no title, only bol. And here in Pa its a pia to get a title for homemade. So I just swapped my plate and vin from my old trailer on it. {aid 3 andrew jacksons for it.
I felt like I was running truck again. This is its first load. I ran down to pick up the trailer a 100 miles away and the gf found this load on craigs on the way home. So just like driving truck professionally. Ran down to get a empty, ran back up, picked up a load. Then home. Lots of resale in parts here, real good find.