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DIY Tools and machinery

| Tools and Equipment
  1. #1
    TrashureSeeker started this thread.
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    DIY Tools and machinery

    Hi guys,

    I thought maybe we could compile a list of tools or machinery for scrapping that one can build on his own with limited tools as I always look at if I can build something before I buy it.

    Starting off there is a shaker table that can be used to sort materials of different mass as for example copper from wire after shredding wires:

    Then of course the heap of homemade wire strippers, this is my favourite as it takes five minutes to build:

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  3. #2
    HipoGear's Avatar
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    I think the shaker table design is pretty cool. Now someone needs to come up with a way to pulverize insulated wire in a way that would separate the jacket from the copper. I know they do this sort of thing with Christmas tree lights.

    I was think a paper shredder might work for thinner stuff, but I don't think it would separate the jacket very well.

  4. #3
    TrashureSeeker started this thread.
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    I tried a paper shredder yesterday and it shredded the wire, but did not remove the housing. And it was very loud, inefficient and hard to get the wire in horzontally. However there are machines called granulators that do just that.
    I found this setup that is very neat, but I don't have the room for something like that yet.

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