Well.... Guess this is a good as place as any to post this...

It is inevitable being in the scrap game, that you will get flat tires... especially inside the scrap yard... Is there anything you do to prevent flats? Things like put slime inside your tires or have a second set of tires that you swap onto your truck just for going inside the scrap yard?

Myself, I don't do anything....My little mazda p/u gets probably a flat a month... my 86 chev 3/4 ton 4x4, which I use to actually bring my loads to the scrap yard has (knock on wood) never had a flat....

So... I would like to hear everyone's thoughts. lol was almost wishing those no-flat bobcat tires would come in pickup sizes. hahah

Long weekend here in British Columbia.... yard is closed today, so I have 3 days of being able to strip down some of my stock pile inside my tent shed...

Happy Hunting