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New Scrap App for Phones

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  1. #1
    RockRecy started this thread.
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    Thumbs up New Scrap App for Phones

    has anyone heard of this new app for iphones for scrap recyclers? its called scrap metal forum and we have gotten some new customers so we signed up and we are absolutely loving it. it allows you to find scrap yards on your phone when you are on the go, as well as allowing you to check prices and contact information of the yards that are around your region. pretty cool addition to the scrap industry.

  2. #2
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    * Your credit card will be charged only $1 set up and no monthly fee for the first 60 days. At the start of the third month your credit card will be billed the amount of $329 ($300 setup plus $30 first month minus your $1 credit) and $30 each month for twelve months. In the event you choose not to sign up the $1 fee will be refunded to the credit card used.

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  4. #3
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Is that why a few months ago, someone on here was calling it is crap instead of i scrap???

  5. #4
    RockRecy started this thread.
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    We have had some success with it so far in receiving new customers. It costs our business less to sign up in scrap metal forum than it would to be displayed in the yellow pages by a significant amount, so, so far it has been worth it for us. i encourage everyone to at least try it out on their phone and see what you think, its free to download the app.

  6. #5
    dherik's Avatar
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    Okay, lets step back for a second. You developed the APP.... at least be honest with us if you're trying to sell us something, or trying to use your service?

    You own the domain, it's registered to your center's address.

    Godaddy registration info

    Google Map of Rockaway Recycling

    You can get the information for free, and yards can post their information for free on google maps, without paying someone 500 bucks, and paying a monthly fee of 90 a month on top of it.

    Sorry couldn't let this rest.

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  8. #6
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    oops ! busted !!

  9. #7
    RockRecy started this thread.
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    Yes you are right it is our creation we aren't going to hide it. But I think if you take a moment to really explore what it can do for you, you will realize that it is a new valuable tool that can be used in the industry. On the go a plumber, electrician, scrapper, etc. can quickly check your phone for local scrap yards, but you can also explore what prices they have, request containers, and also send pictures of metals you may want a quote on right from your app on your phone. It is more than just a phone directory for scrap yards, you can interact with them on a deeper business level based on your scrapping needs. Check it out!

  10. #8
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Hope we didn't jump to an unjust conclusion, Rocky. I can see how it would be helpful to big company's in big cities who are always on the go, but are sure it would pay for itself...time will tell.

  11. #9
    dherik's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by RockRecy View Post
    has anyone heard of this new app for iphones for scrap recyclers? its called scrap metal forum and we have gotten some new customers so we signed up and we are absolutely loving it. it allows you to find scrap yards on your phone when you are on the go, as well as allowing you to check prices and contact information of the yards that are around your region. pretty cool addition to the scrap industry.
    You where not being up front. You're marketing to a mixed community here. Some of us are scrappers, and some are yards, and some are somewhere in between those two. If you want to do business with people be upfront. I will not do business with people who I know aren't being up front with me from the beginning. Is the app a good idea yes, are you charging too much, well the market will support what the market can bear.

    And I'm pretty sure there's rules about marketing services on the forum too.

  12. #10
    RockRecy started this thread.
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    I apologize for not being up front, to be honest I'm not here to advertise it, I'm here as a scrap yard trying to get a better sense of the scrap community, including other scrap yards and scrappers out there. I'm simply trying to get more connections with the industry and expand my communication. I apologize for not being up front, I figured I would begin a conversation. To be honest the reason we signed up was to have a better connection to social network of the scrap metal industry nothing more.

  13. #11
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Not the best way to promote a product or service.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 05-25-2011 at 05:11 PM.

  14. #12
    RockRecy started this thread.
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    I was simply trying to start conversation without having people having a bias stating that we were the creators of the app. We just want to receive some feedback and not promote it. Just starting to get used to this forum and we wanted to get to know users of the forum. No harm was meant by it.

  15. #13
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    Let's forget for a second that you introduced yourself under the guise of someone who found this great new app while omitting that you're it's shady creator. Let's also forget for a brief period that you're charging a monthly rent for it per year. Let's now focus on your supposed bread and butter... The app in question. First off, I downloaded this app on my Android when I typed in "Scrap Metal" under the app marketplace. I then proceeded to try and test this supposedly easy user interface. It was laughable to say the least. First off it misdirected me to scrap yards with incorrect information. It said scrap yards were 30 miles away when they were only 13. You know how many scrap yards are in a 20 mile radius of my location? 3. You know how many this app said were in a 20 mile radius of me? 1, and it was out of business.

    Secondly, you have a glossary available for metals. While I applaud your effort, it has zero inherent factors for every day application. Yes it shows what copper looks like. Yes it shows what aluminum looks like, however; your app fails to show what they are used in building and/or processing. You show me a picture of lawn chairs and bike frames and tell me their aluminum, then we're talking. That's practical.

    Third of all, where are the price lists? You don't need one for every scrap yard, however, we go by the London Metal Exchange. If you can't pull a price list out of your arse for the LME and compare it and contrast it to a price paid by a major scrap yard in every state, then obviously you've already shown your target market you're lazy and non-resourceful. It would take the average computer user maybe 2 hours tops to do this.

    Fourth, let's talk pricing. Are you out of your mind? Not only do you seem like a shady highway man based on your lousy circumvented first impression, but what makes you think your app is even remotely priced accordingly? It's not. The apps people pay the most for are battery life extending apps, GPS, Social, Major Business, Phone Lock Privacy, and Anti-Virus. Your app doesn't really offer anything someone can't obtain from a simple phonebook. The price of it astronomical. Microsoft is only charging $9.99 right now for App versions of Word and Excel. Let me reiterate this, a company whom charges $300 for crappy operating systems are only hawking their mobile wares for $9.99.

    Last of all, do this. Take some time and do some research. Find the biggest city in every state, find their largest and most profitable scrap yard, obtain their prices, and compare it with the LME and everyone else's nationally. Let everyone know where the best deals are. This will maybe take 2 hours out of your otherwise monotonous day. Also, update your glossary to make it practical with every day use and feature a how-to guide on scrapping as well... I.E. How to scrap a washing machine, how to strip wire.. That sort of thing.

    The name blows as well. There's enough Icrap to go on for eons now. Ihome... Iaudio... Ivibe... Ipod... Ipad... Iwhothehellcares?!? We do need a feature or some way for scrappers to find locations and disclose them. GPS apps are easy all get out to build. There's tutorials all over the internet. Finally, your price sucks and you're going to get your arse handed to you in a legal dispute someday or you're just never going to be taken seriously in a vast market that's hard as hell to break into in the first place. Charge .99 for the app, upgrade it every few months and maybe charge existing using .99 for that, and leave the rest alone.

    Take this how you will, but if there's anything I despise it's bad business sense. Next time you post, don't act like you got to close to a game of lawn darts or you were dropped on your head as an infant. Thanks.

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  17. #14
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    RockRecy and scrapmetalforum (same person, multiple accounts) have been banned, stay away from this app.


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  19. #15
    parrothead's Avatar
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    Wow. What a shame. Their website was always so nice to point people to for reference.

  20. #16
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Parrothead; What do you mean by this? Are you saying that this site was useful somehow?
    Or were you just being sarcastic?

    Seems like everyone sees this site as a scam. I am just curious of your stand on them.

  21. #17
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    Mr. Parrothead is a master of sarcasm !

  22. #18
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Lol, Someone has to be!

  23. #19
    Saroro's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by parrothead View Post
    Wow. What a shame. Their website was always so nice to point people to for reference.
    Agreed. I'll still use it for pricing, but that's it.
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  24. #20
    parrothead's Avatar
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    It was not sarcasm. For someone brand new coming into recycling, it has pictures and descriptions of various grades and prices. At least I think it was their website.

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