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  1. #1
    ScrapmanIndustries started this thread.
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    So I went out and got a plasma cutter for cutting Ac Compressors apart a few months ago, and I must say that after getting experienced with it I find my self using the plasma way more than the oxyfuel torch for nearly everything anymore. I only have a little 30 amp Hypertherm, but It can cut 75% of the stuff I seem to need it for. I used to think negatively of plasma for the longest time, thinking it was expensive, dangerous, hard/complicated to use, and since the only plasma cutters we had in school were broke the entire 3 years I was there I thought plasma was just straight up junk. But now that I got to use it, (I had to teach myself how to use it) I've found it to be way cheaper in the long run, way quicker if you have the proper machine size, and its so simple and safe almost anyone could do it. even splicing a broken torch lead back together is pretty simple, once you spend 2 hours searching every aisle in the home depot for the $3 part getting it back together only takes 10 minutes. the only time I really find myself going for the oxyfuel torch any more is when I have to cut some sort of heavy pipe/tubing since the plasma you gotta take the torch the whole way around instead of just blowing out a small hole and torching everything from one side. I'm sure theres ways to go about that with plasma but Im still somewhat new.

    If any one else on here Is using a torch almost daily I would highly recommend looking into plasma. there are some machines out there that can do like 2" cuts if you need to, that make oxyfuel look like childs play. sure start up is high but really its way cheaper if your using it all the time. And also portable. My whole set up is run off a 6800 watt generator I got at the Home Depot a few years ago.

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