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Hypertherm is awesome. FreonJoe turned me on to them after fighting with my Everlast, which really should be called Neverlast. Sure, the cost was 3 times, but the quality is there. No downtime and sending it back for repairs like I had with Neverlast. It just works, day in and day out.
You guys are actually the only reason I decided to even try plasma. I was really struggling to find a cheap way to cut them compressors apart. I must of used like every metal cutting tool I could find in the collection of crap that I have and nothing worked. I was gonna get a Hobart since the only plasmas I could find locally were Hobart, Miller, Hypertherm, and some outsourced rebranded Lincolns. I just so happened to decide on the Hypertherm after seeing all the stuff Jim Colt does to help people learn about them and how they fix the occasional problems they put out. That and I got the Hypertherm really cheap with all the discounts, it was actually cheaper than Hobarts 27 amp model.
Question, what part exactly kept breaking on the ever last? I haven't had any problems with the hypertherm that I didn't cause (Dropped a compressor on the torch lead which severed it in two, and burnt the ground clamp off after not realizing cutting an oily pipe would spit flames out of the one end.) both were fixed fairly easy with less than $10 in parts. Just wondering because the only plasma experience I had before this was tripping over the broken miller machines we had at school for 3 years. They fixed one once and we were gonna learn it but the thing broke again after the teacher made like 3 small cuts.