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Obtaining tools

| Tools and Equipment
  1. #1
    JacksDaddy started this thread.
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    Obtaining tools

    I went to b&q yesterday (probably britains biggest hardware/diy chain) and even though I wanted to buy so many things, things I never even knew existed sometimes, I didn't spend a penny. I kept thinking about this forum. Something was nagging me to save my money and recycle tools. I'm going to try and build up from scratch with cheap stuff from eBay (I don't even know if craigslist, freecycle, etc exist in the uk). All I have now is a rusty screwdriver (the end is starting to round off), an old hammer who's head is wobbly and about to fall off and a few other things that were in the house when I bought it.

    Or should I flash the plastic and buy brand new, shiny, bright coloured things with ryobi and dewalt printed on them?

    No, I'm going to scrap my way there. I'll find, and make as much as I can. I bet people throw plenty of power tools away that can be fixed.

  2. #2
    Scrap Master J's Avatar
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    Check yard sales and auctions. I found a Home Depot card with $8 on it just the other day.

  3. #3
    Mick's Avatar
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    Flat head screwdrivers are (relatively) easily reshaped with a good file or grinding wheel. You can tighten that hammer head by putting a screw in the end.
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  4. #4
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    First thing I'd look into is a socket set. I use mine more than anything. Get you one with a nutdriver and some screwdriver attachments. I'm in the same boat with the lack of tools. No power tools whatsoever. But I know plenty of people that have all that. For now I just borrow peoples garages every so often.
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  5. #5
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    I'm lucky to have an assortment but the one screwdriver I like has a removable shaft with a reversable bit on each side. The bits are a combo phillips/slotted and one is a little bigger. Without the bit in the shaft is acts like a 1/4 driver on one side and 5/16 on the other. Not sure on the metric conversion though but they only cost about 5 dollars and have at least 7 tools if you count using it to pry stuff.
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  6. #6
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    Like others have said. Hit up he yard sales, auctions an ebay. CL would be a good hunting ground.

    You can redo the tools you have as someone stated.

    You should go an buy some simple tools to do brake down either it be used or new just know that they will pay for them selfs over an over. Try to get tools with life time guarantee where if its get a brand new one...I cant even say how many tools I cut heat/bend or used to smash something (it was in my hand an I needed it right then an well...I was being lazy lol) so I just take them back an get a nice new one.

    Craftsmen tools even if you took a grinding wheel an cut the handle so you can get into this small space that no other tool will work...they will replace it free of all cost to you!!

  7. #7
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    you are a metal surgon, when you are able invest in good tools, and take care of them.
    surgons dont operate with cheep scalples or bone saws for a reason, that one piece of scrap you miss because of an inadiquit tool may be enough to pay for a good tool.

    I started out with a $2 walmart wire cutter took me 15 sec up to a minute to cut off thick cords ro house wireing with a lot of effort. I now have a $15 cobalt, the cut takes a fraction of a secound.
    Last edited by EcoSafe; 07-24-2011 at 09:18 AM.

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  9. #8
    Dawsey is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Well I have just started and I invested in a £50 challenge toolbox from Argos and a pair of £6 wire strippers/cutters

  10. #9
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    lol im an SIS scrapper believe me I have to be a surgeoon

  11. #10
    JacksDaddy started this thread.
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    I took the advice I was given here and fixed what tools I could. It's surprising how many relatives and friends have good tools they dont want and spares they are looking to unload. I've saved a few £ by not buying brand new ones so I'll put that extra little bit of cash in my trailer fund. Thanks!

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