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  1. #1
    Bobby started this thread.
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    Good Tool Every Scrapper Should Have..

    The other day I down loaded a new App for my Android Phone, Im sure Iphone or any smart phone has somthin simular.

    its called craigs notification... it is a craigs list app, it notifies me directly to my phone when an item im looking for is posted to craigs list. Example I have mine set to just send me notifications when "Free" items are posted. seems Like it works very well, and could be useful to the daily scrapper. it also lets you post, and respond to adds directly through the app without having to visit the website.

    Im sure you guys have seen this before jus thought I'd throw it out there, aint seen a post about it. Any one have any luck with these types of apps?

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  3. #2
    Bobby started this thread.
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    understandable re-cycler. But Im sure any one who has been scrappin for a while has noiced the increase in compitetion. I dont really have the time or storage space to pick a lot, but I do like to be two steps ahed of the compitetion. So while my compitetion has his phone laying in the truck and checking craigs list when he gets home, my phone is buzin and I can reply to an ad before the comp gets a chance to. :-)

    Its little things like this can help a scrapper stay ahead of the game.

  4. #3
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Bobby View Post
    understandable re-cycler. But Im sure any one who has been scrappin for a while has noiced the increase in compitetion. I dont really have the time or storage space to pick a lot, but I do like to be two steps ahed of the compitetion. So while my compitetion has his phone laying in the truck and checking craigs list when he gets home, my phone is buzin and I can reply to an ad before the comp gets a chance to. :-)

    Its little things like this can help a scrapper stay ahead of the game.
    I don't think we need to worry about Re, he seems to be doing just fine.
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  6. #4
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    There was a discussion about this a few months back. I don't recall all of the details. One question I have is how fast does the app update, versus the scrapper that sits at a computer/smart phone and refreshes every few minutes?

  7. #5
    Bobby started this thread.
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    I hope I didn't come off wrong with that last post, I was in no way suggesting that re, or any one for that matter needed an app like this,

    Just sayin that IMO it would be a useful tool for a guy, like myself who don't really do that much work.
    While I'm doin one thing my phone searching CL for my next possible find.

    Of course anyone who has regulations customers, or a regular route that is workin nicely might not have need for this app. Some I'm sure have enough work to not even worry with CL.

    The update thing I was actually testifies that last nigh, I was checkin both about every 20 -25 mins and the app was staying updated, when I get a little more time I'm gonna test it at 5 mins or so and see if it is still up to date with the information on the computer.

  8. #6
    Dawsey is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Yeah am app like this would be decent. I currently have my current cities newest posts linked to my e-Mail so I get an update almost everyday!

  9. #7
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    I am interested in setting up my Blackberry. I looked under Apps and didn't see a CL notifier. Did a Google search but no idea who is legit and don't want to download random stuff.

  10. #8
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    How do you get the app? Seems like it would work out for me in the country so I don't waste gas driving around.

  11. #9
    Bobby started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Brobich View Post
    How do you get the app? Seems like it would work out for me in the country so I don't waste gas driving around.
    If you have an Android phone it is available in the market for free. The one I use is called craigsnotifica
    There are others, I'm sure the iPhone or any other smart phone platform has somthing similar.

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