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My new toys thanks to gus's video

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    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    My new toys thanks to gus's video

    Went out and baught these from harbor freight today. total out the door was $75.

    Now where is a motor I can try this on

  2. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Went out and baught these from harbor freight today. total out the door was $75.

    Now where is a motor I can try this on
    Cool toy Part Timer, that hammer looks like it has a long stroke, to conserve on air and compressor run time knock your pressure reg back to 60 psi, also helps prevent operator fatigue.

    If your burning your wire, make sure you cut t before burning and the wire is still stiff, after burning it becomes soft and hard to cut. Always cut from the center outwards. And do let us know if it was $$$ well spent.

    Three cheers for PTS and the new toy.

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  4. #3
    Dumpster-Dee's Avatar
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    High fives all around for PTS !!

  5. #4
    KzScrapper's Avatar
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    Saweet...If you find your running out of air too often find a tank to make a piggy back tank to increase air storage.
    Last edited by KzScrapper; 10-05-2011 at 09:05 AM.
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  6. #5
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Great air chisel deal. Nine chisels to choose from! I can see you taking down block walls ... to cutting back of van off to make a flat bed.

    I do honestly think you will not be happy with the compressor. The air chisel has a large piston that uses a lot of air. I don't think the compressor will be able to keep up. Even if you do the interment on off deal with the trigger it will have that thing running and running! They are not made to run continuous. If you got the "extended warranty" then run it to death then get an upgrade.
    Last edited by injunjoe; 10-05-2011 at 08:45 AM. Reason: Because I wanted to.
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  8. #6
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    YEah I know that little tank isnt ment for continious run. But for what little I plan to do with it it should be just fine. Mostly baught this one for the garage and to get me by. I plan to buy a larger upright one for the shop when I can find one at the auction.

  9. #7
    injunjoe's Avatar
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    Yea an old upright would be nice. I want one myself.

    Did all the chisels come with or did you buy extras? I only have like two.

  10. #8
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    2 stage air compressor is the best ---- I picked up an old Sears Paint compressor like 2-3 years ago for $50. It needed to be cleaned and painted. I kept it for my garage. Don't forget to change the oil in the old air compressors!!! Mine is so quiet. *grin*

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  12. #9
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Years ago I put together an air compressor for my father using a Bendix Westinghouse unit removed from an old truck equipped with air brakes.

    These compressors come in many different configuration, some are driven direct, some are belt driven while some require lubrication from the engine others will be self lubricated. some are air cooled others liquid.

    The one I had was liquid cooled required engine coolant for cooling, Heres what I did to modify, removed the connecting rod caps and drilled a hole on center then added a home made dipper changing the lube system to a splash type, made a new base as the old one drained oil back to the engine mine had to be self contained.

    For cooling hung a small radiator from the wall behind the unit hooked up some hose, a small plastic fan was affixed to the motor pulley plus hot liquids rise naturally so it was a combination of forced air and convection for cooling.

    These types of compressors come equipped with a governor which make then ideal for use with a small gasoline engine, you need to have a small air line from the tank feeding pressure to the governor so that the compressor may sense when to cut in to make air and when to stop producing air when the preset PSI is meet. You can set the governor as high as 130 psi tthe down side is that your down to 60 psi before the governor kicks the compressor back into pumping mode.

    When the governor cuts in at 120 / 130 PSI it actually opens one of the valves inside the compressor head rendering it incapable of compressing more air while the compressor is still turning over.

    For use with an electric motor do not hook an air line to the governor, use a pressure switch attached to your air tank to make and break power when required. This is the route I choose fro my fathers compressor.

    Two HP electric motor on a 30 gallon tank, he used it for over 20 years without any problems.

  13. #10
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by injunjoe View Post
    Yea an old upright would be nice. I want one myself.

    Did all the chisels come with or did you buy extras? I only have like two.
    Cost 15 bucks with all the chisels.

  14. #11
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by daw_green_clean View Post
    2 stage air compressor is the best ---- I picked up an old Sears Paint compressor like 2-3 years ago for $50. It needed to be cleaned and painted. I kept it for my garage. Don't forget to change the oil in the old air compressors!!! Mine is so quiet. *grin*
    This one is oilless Probable wont last long if I hook it up to a 20 gallon tank. But hey it was 40 bucks and not a bad deal to get me started. I have access to an upright 40 gallon compressor at my inlaws ranch if I jhave alot of chiseling to do. They only live 2 miles away.

  15. #12
    newattitude's Avatar
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    Heeeeeee!!!!! Nice toy PTS!! Can I come over and play? got any walls you need taken down or anything?

  16. #13
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Well i got to use my new toy tonight I was so excited that I striped the wire out of an electric motor that was alluminum. DOH second one I had went into motor bucket.

  17. #14
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    lol, PTS.....glad you had fun...I'm going to Harbor Freight tomorrow !!!!!! What a bargain. Can't let you and attitude have all the fun !

  18. #15
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    Get a bigger compressor. ALlthough the small 3 gal worked it took a few times letting it build back up. Definitly cant do a whole mottors worth of chisel work with 3 gal of air. BUt it was awesome once I got it cut off I just used the chisel to punch it out too.

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  20. #16
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    well then it won't be such a bargain !!! Besides, you were PRACTICING. Don't you think you'll use a lot less after you know what you're doing ? Sorry, didn't mean that to sound critical...just wondering?

  21. #17
    PartTimeScrapper started this thread.
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    IT runs for about 45 seconds before the air pressure gets to low and then takes 2 mins to build back up. So if you dont mind waiting on the air like I dont then its all good. I chiseled till I ran out of air then tore something else apart and chiseled some more. Rinse and repeat. Works good for what little I would do with it for now. BUt A bigger compressor is on my part time scrappig list now Not only that if I get a plasma cutter like I want to ill need a better compressor to run that too

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