Originally Posted by
Kris Kringle
If I was going to live within a 40 mile radius of my home I guess it would be ok But for 10 - 12K to only be able to drive I would say it is cost effective for what I do.
Charging Time.
Battery Cost and Replacement
Charging Station Cost.
Everytime You dump you use battery power.
Everytime you use
A/C or Heat you use Battery Power
Lights use battery.
Charging time kinda.. takes about 7 hrs to charge so I would only be able to use it once a day and I would plug it in before I go to bed each night. But I would still save alot of money even just using it once a day. In my current truck it cost about 10 bucks to drive 30-40 miles more if I'm hauling scrap where as it would only cost me .50 with this truck if I use it once a day I'd save 9.50 a day, 66.50 in a week, 3,458 In a year.
The batteries last avg of 30000 miles avg person drives 10000 miles a yr. but I wouldn't be using it as a daily driver so It would be less than that. Not sure exactly how many batteries this truck has but the most I've ever seen on an electric vehicle is 12 so ill use that. 12 batteries so Id have to replace them every 4 years or so it would be about 1200 every 4 years. Id save 13832 on fuel In 4 years so minus 1200 for the batteries and I'm saving 12600 in 4 years. So replacing batteries is not a limitation.
The charging station would be my garage lol.
I seriously doubt that dumping one load of shred at the yard would use a huge amount of energy. I mean the limit on this thing is half a ton and the truck it self weights half a ton. Dumping a load would prob use the same amount of energy it would take to drive the truck a few feet.
Yes a/c would use energy I believe it is already factor into the range.. i.g. using a/c 30 mile range, without a/c 40 miles or I could always roll down the window. I live in Vegas so i'd never use the heater.
I can really only see 2 limitations and considering that i'd save almost 4 grand a year the truck would pay for itself within 3 years less than that if I could find a used one.