Idaho, kind of a long story but wound up taking a full time (60 hrs/week) job as a supervisor for a landscaping company I have worked for before.... The car junking industry got ran into the ground here, too many goons paying too much for them, now there's virtually no junk cars and no one willing to sell them for anything less than the actual value of the car after complete processing. So screw 'em all... I'm still getting some here and there but it's slim pickings. As the landscaping work is slowing down I am trying to find a new edge on the car junking business, some outlet that has somehow been overlooked and untapped. Not quite working yet but I'm trying hard!
As for the original topic, coming from someone whose primary scrapping source is junk cars, I wound up buying a 22' tilt deck trailer and outfitted it with a 10,000 lb winch, powered by two truck batteries. The trailer batteries can be plugged into the truck if/when they get low on the job, 2 gauge power cable to the back of the truck provides plenty of power to run the winch even without the trailer batteries, but I would need to leave the truck running to do so. So I usually use the trailer batteries and put trickle charger on them overnight when needed. The trailer has two 3500# axles and the front 4' of deck is stationary, the tilt platform is 18' and gravity tilts. I'd get a little more use from it if it was hydraulic tilt 14k lb trailer, which they sell for hauling heavy equipment on (skidsteers, forklifts, etc). But this one was a lot cheaper than those. I don't think i've ever gotten more use out of or made more money with any other single item in my life than this trailer. It's been freaking awesome. Its unbelievable what you can load on this with ease that would be a major pain to try to load on a normal trailer with ramps. And no ramps is freaking awesome!!! No heavy ramps to lug around and try to line up. Just pull two pins and drop the deck, winch it on and pin the deck down. Its awesome. I'd love to have a deck over gooseneck for larger jobs (grain trucks farm equipment etc) they make those in tilt deck too, hydraulic tilt

That'd be awesome but I couldn't get rid of this trailer even if I had a tilt gooseneck. There's so many places that I can put this trailer. Yes I know goosenecks turn tighter. But you also have to have more room to swing wider to turn them. They both have pros and cons and I don't honestly think they are completely interchangable. Me and almost all of my friends refer to this trailer as the poor man's rollback.
If you're wanting the ultimate trailer to haul cars on, a tilt deck is your answer. Wrecked cars, cars missing wheels/tires/axles/suspension/etc. are NO PROBLEM!!! As well as many other large items you may come across that would require heavy equipment to load on a standard car trailer... We've winched on corn and grain heads from combines, I hauled a small forklift on it once.... I've overloaded it a few times and luckily no damage but I'm coming across many loads I need something wider and heavier duty for so I'd like to add a gooseneck to the fleet.
I too thought I could get a lot of good use from a dolly, til I found out that in my state it's illegal to transport a car on a dolly that doesn't have plates and insurance. Basically if the tires are touching the ground it must be plated and insured. And I had HORRIBLE luck with the set of magnetic lights I bought... Perhaps you get what you pay for with those..... Anyway, my lights blew off just as I drove past a sheriff one night in the next county over, and I got my whole rig impounded for the lights and the car not having plates/insurance... so I sold the dolly.... even if i had plates on it, that wouldn't make hauling junk cars on it legal in Indiana... So scratch that idea... Pisses me off because when I'm at the yard I almost everytime see a junker dragging a car in on a dolly... So check your laws before using a dolly. Or gamble the risk. Your call just warning you.