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Angle Grinder - Harbor Frieght - Page 2

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  1. #21
    Filthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrap lap View Post
    Not to derail the thread but does anyone know of something that would hook to a car battery (engine running) to run power from? I noticed a guy with a "man cave" storage unit complete with lighting and a checkered floor. He had his hood popped and his car running at the time. Feel free to PM me as not to clutter this post.
    i bought a 1200watt power inverter to run tools off my truck. it cost me something like $85 and its great when im off the grid. i even used it when my power was out up here a few weeks ago to run my fridge and hot water boiler pump. (one at a time)

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  2. #22
    eesakiwi's Avatar
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    Thats a generic generator, probably made millions of them. I wonder if theres a website where they pimp them up.
    I run my TV & video off it, pretty noisy considering what others sound like.

    I tried using a jigsaw on it & it just wouldn't handle it, I think its got something to do with the sort of motor though, backfeed of power or such.
    It starts to slow down after about 30mins & I have to turn the choke on for a while & the revs get back up again & its OK for another 30 mins.

    The grinder/ Make sure the bolts on the head are done up all the time, or the gears seperate & it will munch the teeth up.
    Better still replace them with hex heads & maybe wire them up so they won't undo, or use the little metal tab washer things under the hex head to stop them undoing.

    Always make sure the grinders got up to full speed before grinding.

  3. #23
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    I have it but it's still in the box. No power in my storage unit to test it out.
    I was planning on buying the $90 HF generator, but I was in there recently and someone was returning 2 of them that crapped out. Made me second guess them.
    i bought a 1200watt power inverter to run tools off my truck. it cost me something like $85 and its great when i'm off the grid. i even used it when my power was out up here
    I've been using a power inverter off/on for about 8 months now, not a bit of problems. Just make sure you get one big enough to handle the power tool safely so your not running it out of amps, it will shorten the life span.
    For a few dollars more you can go bigger on the peak output (almost double). Out under our canopy this summer we ran 2 screw in florescents and the small 6 amp sawzall for a couple of hours at a time before I would have to start the car.
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  5. #24
    Filthy's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mechanic688 View Post
    I've been using a power inverter off/on for about 8 months now, not a bit of problems. Just make sure you get one big enough to handle the power tool safely so your not running it out of amps, it will shorten the life span.
    For a few dollars more you can go bigger on the peak output (almost double). Out under our canopy this summer we ran 2 screw in florescents and the small 6 amp sawzall for a couple of hours at a time before I would have to start the car.
    yes, i PM'd Mechanic before i bought it, and he convinced me to buy the 1200w continuous output, 2400w peak. it serves my purposes with a short set of jumper cables.

  6. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by GeorgeB View Post
    $250 is not that bad of a price for a 9,000lb winch. Was that at Harbor Freight as well?

    Also, I didn't know you could take stuff like that back in a year, and get a new one.

  7. #26
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    Quote Originally Posted by scrap lap View Post
    I have it but it's still in the box. No power in my storage unit to test it out.

    I was planning on buying the $90 HF generator, but I was in there recently and someone was returning 2 of them that crapped out. Made me second guess them.
    yeah i saw a guy bring one of those back here in cali too. If you don't mind returning them every 30 days it's probably a good deal lol

  8. #27
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    my HF orange grinder outlasted my expensive dewalt grinder and my makita grinder. in the end of its days i had to tap it with a hammer every so often to get it to turn on/keep spinning. replaced brushes a couple times.

  9. #28
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Can anyone tell me, if there is a limit to how many coupons you can use with Harbor Freight?

    I ask, because as you all know, I am considering getting the 4 1/2" Angle Grinder from drillmaster for $10 with a coupon I received.

    Today, I got more coupons, and one of them is a 10 pack of 4 1/2" cut off wheels for metal, for $5.99 a piece.

    I figured I would do as everyone suggested and get 2 grinders, and probably 2 packs of wheels.

    Also for anyone looking for a utility knife, they have one from "Pittsburg" that comes with 5 stainless steel blades for $4.49

    Also, if you use zip ties (I do on wire a lot of times), they have 100 8" packs for $.99

    Ok, I am done. Just thought I throw those out there for anyone who doesnt get the coupons.
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  10. #29
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    Harbor frieght coupons will have the limits printed on them. Most of them will say limit 6 per coupon or limit one read the coupon. As far as how many you can use per visit. they dont care about that. I went in with the flyer one week and baught 10 different things all with a coupon and 2 of them were for the free items they were giving away that week. The only thing you cant do there is use a item coupon and a 25% off one on the same item.

  11. #30
    GeorgeB started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by PartTimeScrapper View Post
    Harbor frieght coupons will have the limits printed on them. Most of them will say limit 6 per coupon or limit one read the coupon. As far as how many you can use per visit. they dont care about that. I went in with the flyer one week and baught 10 different things all with a coupon and 2 of them were for the free items they were giving away that week. The only thing you cant do there is use a item coupon and a 25% off one on the same item.
    Nice...I will be getting them soon. They don't expire until January for me. Right now, starting tomorrow, is shopping time to spoil my kids.

    Thanks PTS for the information, btw. I did notice the limit thing. I was just getting confused because I thought it was saying you can use 2 coupons or more at a time, but now I realized it was saying what you said, you cant use a coupon and a 25% off coupon together.

  12. #31
    hobo finds's Avatar
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    How I feel about cheep Harbor Freight tools is buy one when you need it to scrap and then after a few teardowns buy something better with your profits. If it still works use it till it breaks and then scrap it as well!

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