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cutting torch

| Tools and Equipment
  1. #1
    decjr2006 started this thread.
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    cutting torch

    im thinking about investing in a cutting torch, had a stihl chop saw before but it was stolen. i have 2 very large pieces of farm equipment in a tough spot i need to cut up and i figured it will pay for itself after 1 of them and used a lot more in the future. any tips on purchasing one, the gas i need? im pretty sure they use oxy-acetelyne but not positive any advice would be great im a rookie when it comes to these things. noticed a lot cheap on craigslist

  2. #2
    SMF Badges of Honor

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    Check out this thread it might help you a little in figuring out what you need.

  3. #3
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    Hi decjr2006,
    There are numerous brand name Torch heads & gauges on the market, it really depends upon what you are going to be cutting and how often. You mention that you are currently about to torch apart some farm implements? If you foresee yourself doing that often then you probably want to get yourself a "Better" set-up. Theres always Good, Better & Best. A couple things you may want to consider: First of all You can use LP Gas instead of acetelyne, it doesnt burn quite as hot but it's still very effective and much cheaper to buy. There was a fire at one of the main acetelyne production plant a couple years ago, and ever since then the cost of it has gone up and it's actually can be somewhat difficult to get right now.

    It's a good idea to get a big enough hose & long enough, and a slightly longer torch handle is a good thing when cutting heavy iron, it helps keep you farther away from the extreme heat, and it's easier on your back. The other consideration will be what size and type of tip you use. Your local welding / torching company can guide you with proper tips.

    scott B.

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  5. #4
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    The cost of propane if bought by the gallon should be the same as unleaded gas in your area. A 100 lb propane will hold 26.4 gallons of propane which in today's market translates into about 78 bucks plus there labor cost to fill it. Gases are a very very very competitive industry shop around and find the lowest cost every gas business is pretty much the same. They all provide gases at a certain cost.

  6. #5
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    Are you sure you aren't talking about a 20 lb tank for cutting and a 435 tank for your house. I have never heard of a 1.25 a gallon since 2001. I have a 1000 gallon propane tank on site right now and its 3000 plus to fill it that. The price has been equivalent to the gas price. I have cut scrap all over the Eastern US to. They don't charge you to fill it on the ticket its written into the price. There's always labor involved to fill any industrial cylinder or tank. Even when I did a job in Odessa tx they charged me over 65 dollars for my 100 lb propane and that was in 2006.

  7. #6
    EcoSafe's Avatar
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    Im not certain how youall are gaging your tanks but here a 125 lb oxygen tank refill is $14 A 200 is $21. and I use the little grill propaine tanks cause they are easy for me to move they are $17 exchange here.

    just consider this being new at cutting or cheep equipment can cost you $20 to $30 a ton to cut . Find a torch man and have him help you learn how to adjust your flame for what gas and what metal, it will save you big bucks even if you have to pay him for the lessons. I dont think It can really be done here because it is done by sight and sound.

  8. #7
    decjr2006 started this thread.
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    i didnt realize you could use propane with cutting torches, i just gave several half full propane tanks to my father today because i couldnt scrap them and he would use them on his gas fireplace.... thanks for all the advice.

  9. #8
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    Yup I checked it out quality link. I just don't see how you can get it for 1.25 a gallon just seems hard to imagine. I would love that it would put close to 1500 dollars a month more in my pocket. Shoot I would call and find out how much to deliver to my location when my contract is up with the gas company I am dealing with if they could save me even 500 dollars a month.

  10. #9
    PartTimeScrapper's Avatar
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    I think I would find out what it costs to break your contract.

  11. #10
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    Haha not matter what it costs to break my contract I would never do it. My oxygen cost is 68 cents a 100 cf. Thats 6.80 for a 1000 cubic foot of product. It would cost me less then 30 bucks to fill a liquid oxygen tank if I wanted to. I use more oxygen in a week then any scrap yard in Saint Louis. I just live in an area that sucks for propane pricing apparently. When i first got here I called everyone and there mother to get propane ameri-gas is always the cheapest and praxair told me they would match there price. Which I though was outrageous at that time. Apparently propane is just plain expensive where I am at. I also had to use 435 propane's because I had to have a permit from the fire department to have any tank bigger then that. There was no way I would be able to get one because I was mobile always moving where I was needed they wanted a pad poured and a permanent location.

  12. #11
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    i have a torch set. i bought it at a auto swap from a friend. paid, $50 for oxy tank, acetlene tank and a victor guages with a weird green torch. couldnt find much info on it online, when i searched it all i got was snap on.

    he had it stored for a long time and got it in a trade. the acetlene tank was full when i got it and the oxy had a little bit in it. used it for a bit to play with and noticed the regulators were leaking. got the oxy rebuilt for $70. now i just need the oxy one. i also purchased a long victor wand for it.

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