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Nice work gus. I hope my trailer turns out as nice as yours.
I'm sure that it will, forgot to mention that the trailer with battery and winch tip the scales at 1100 lbs, the heaviest load was an old WD9 tractor. When I loaded that tractor the trailer lifted the rear wheels of my 3/4 ton off the ground until I managed to get the beast forward enough to put some weight on the tongue.
The cross members would blow you mind, used 3 x 1/4" flat plate with 1 1/2" flat plate welded onto the middle making it a T-bar, the cross members are proximately 40" apart, the 3" is face up welded low enough that the installed planks are level with the trailer outside rails.
The outside rials are 4" channel with the face towards the inner side of the trailer frame, this allowed me to install my lights inside the rail for protection plus gave me a flat surface to weld my cross members onto. The rails for the hitch were extended for added strength.