Got a good question. Im using the cheapie torch set from harbor freight. Got the correct tip for propane use. Im running a 100 lb o2 cylinder and 20 lb propane tank. Last job I burned 2 hay rakes, harrow, and a 3 point hitch mower deck. This consumed almost the whole bottle of o2 and 2 half bottles of propane. Does this consumption seem normal?

I would say I was burning continuous without shutting torch off for 6 hours. Still some o2 left, but not registering on the gauge. Leak or what? And yes I know how to use a torch. Was a mech for many years. Started out in the junkyards. Was taught there and was not allowed to burn till I could make straight cuts. So lots of experience.

My pressures are 15 propane and 35 o2.

Torch here