Why doesn't the gears turn? Swap them out?
I bought one pre made for $125 complete with landscaping ramp.
Here's the kicker.
Small trailer but great for when iwe pick up heavy stuff like pool heaters and motors.
Good thing is we have four trailers and a car dollly to choose from.
I am working on a very quick project over the weekend due to the cities need for me to get rid of some of the trailers. **** neighbors.
WE have a 34 foot camper trailer that I hate towing anywhere and the city wants if gone.
So party is at my place. Beer pizza and hot tub.
We're tearing that sucker down to the frame and shortening to 16 feet.
Then were going build a deck over trailer for the roof top air conditioners.
Got one today and it cost us $150 to get it to the shop.
So enough of that.
I like these pickup box trailers except they sway all over the place on the highway.
You may have to either buy sway bars or stay off the highway.
And thats our .02