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I don't have a truck :/

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  1. #1
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    I don't have a truck :/

    Hey guys, I'm brand new to the forums and to scrapping entirely, it seems like a really interesting way to make money. I was just wondering if its worth trying to do if I don't have a truck, only a car. I'm not going to be doing this on a professional or career level, just something to do to earn extra money. Is it worth trying to do even though I only have a car? is there anything i can do to make moving loads easier?

  2. #2
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartSpasms View Post
    Hey guys, I'm brand new to the forums and to scrapping entirely, it seems like a really interesting way to make money. I was just wondering if its worth trying to do if I don't have a truck, only a car. I'm not going to be doing this on a professional or career level, just something to do to earn extra money. Is it worth trying to do even though I only have a car? is there anything i can do to make moving loads easier?

    Either buy or make a small trailer to tow behind your car that way you can unhitch leaving the load on while you attend to family matters or a call to go to work. Plus it save a lot of wear and tear on the car.

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  4. #3
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    You don't need a truck to pick up coopper wiring, scrapped two years before had a pick up and now I have two. Just limits what can do is all. Time spent scrapping is never wasted
    Alvord iron and salvage
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    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by biscuit View Post
    Either buy or make a small trailer to tow behind your car that way you can unhitch leaving the load on while you attend to family matters or a call to go to work. Plus it save a lot of wear and tear on the car.
    I dunno If I'd wanna invest in anything like that at the moment, perhaps in the future after I've finished my post secondary education, Think I can make an ok amount of money with just the space I have in the car?

  7. #5
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartSpasms View Post
    I dunno If I'd wanna invest in anything like that at the moment, perhaps in the future after I've finished my post secondary education, Think I can make an ok amount of money with just the space I have in the car?
    It can be done, I've seen dedicated scrappers the die hards using shopping carts, bycyles with a small trailer turning a buck. This old scrapper in Vancouver BC when he died it was discovered that he owned several apartment buildings.

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  9. #6
    Curbside shopper's Avatar
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    Get a few 10 gallon buckets, set them aside and start throwing your copper, brass, small aluminum in them.

    When they fill up load them in the trunk and take them in.

    Look for resellable items, all adds up.

    There's no rules on how or what you need to start with, just start, then you can decide how far you want to go with it.

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  11. #7
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by taterjuice View Post
    You don't need a truck to pick up coopper wiring, scrapped two years before had a pick up and now I have two. Just limits what can do is all. Time spent scrapping is never wasted
    I need to learn the value of all the different kinds of metals lol, I heard copper is worth a fair bit tho. Thanks for the optomistic post

    All I'm really looking for is like lets say 50 dollars or more from a full trunk load and perhaps some stuff in teh backseats of my 2011 corolla, Think that cna be done? Like i said, I only want a few extra bucks on the side

  12. #8
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Quote Originally Posted by HeartSpasms View Post
    I need to learn the value of all the different kinds of metals lol, I heard copper is worth a fair bit tho. Thanks for the optomistic post

    All I'm really looking for is like lets say 50 dollars or more from a full trunk load and perhaps some stuff in teh backseats of my 2011 corolla, Think that cna be done? Like i said, I only want a few extra bucks on the side
    My cousin paid for his education picking Salal and cedar boughs, scrapping and picking bottles.

    Here is a link to a pdf file that gives some detail to what the florists purchase, you'll likely find a wholesaler nearby that buys in bulk for overseas shipments.

  13. #9
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    You can handle a lot of the ewaste type of stuff with just a car. In fact you may be further ahead with gas prices the way they are.

  14. #10
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by devo View Post
    You can handle a lot of the ewaste type of stuff with just a car. In fact you may be further ahead with gas prices the way they are.
    this is true :O know any good kind of places where I can find alot of ewaste?

  15. #11
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    Try posting ads on places like Kijiji, craigs list, free cycle etc. I do well off my adds, probably get 40 - 50 percent of my stuff that way, 100 percent when I was starting out. Computer shops, electronics repair places, business machine dealers are all good sources. Takes a bit of time and effort, but it is out there, tons of it in fact.

  16. #12
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    Theres at least 5 of us on here without trucks. Dig into the archives. You'll learn alot. It's hours of reading but well worth it

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  18. #13
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by devo View Post
    Try posting ads on places like Kijiji, craigs list, free cycle etc. I do well off my adds, probably get 40 - 50 percent of my stuff that way, 100 percent when I was starting out. Computer shops, electronics repair places, business machine dealers are all good sources. Takes a bit of time and effort, but it is out there, tons of it in fact.
    So I should place adds around stating I'll remove ewaste free of cost and bring it to scrap yards?

  19. #14
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    No you should get busy reading here on how to make money off that stuff. There's tons of info here on how to do it, but its up to you to learn it.

    In my ads I play up the environmental angle telling people how I make sure it gets recycled properly, not just dumped in a land fill. Most people will just give you the stuff for free. If they want to make money of it, tell them to post an ad and sell it themselves.

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  21. #15
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    I dont have a truck or a car or a bycicle, where there is a will there is a way. the will just has to be strong enough. be inventivfe and use common sence when possable.

  22. #16
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    I took in over 500#'s of UPS (APC units) and some LCD monitors in my 2009 Altima. Oh and I took $500 worth of Boards to my buyer in that same car. He thought I was an insurance salesman!

    Put down some towel, and/or use the trunk!

    I'd start with Ewaste because it's cleaner (Sometimes) and more likely to fit in the car in small quantities. Check with Schools, Churches, hospitals, Garage sales, Thrift Stores, ETC.
    “Most people miss opportunity because it wears overalls and looks like work .” ― Thomas A. Edison

  23. #17
    HeartSpasms started this thread.
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    Quote Originally Posted by thortek View Post
    I took in over 500#'s of UPS (APC units) and some LCD monitors in my 2009 Altima. Oh and I took $500 worth of Boards to my buyer in that same car. He thought I was an insurance salesman!

    Put down some towel, and/or use the trunk!

    I'd start with Ewaste because it's cleaner (Sometimes) and more likely to fit in the car in small quantities. Check with Schools, Churches, hospitals, Garage sales, Thrift Stores, ETC.
    How would I go about asking them, I'm kind of a noob at this stuff all together. Would I phone them and ask them or would I go and ask in person? Also I liked what Devo said about playing the whole environmental angle, people probably seem more inclined to give me it for free then.

    Also thanks for everyone whos posting in this thread you've all been incredibly helpful

  24. #18
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    Again the information is in the old threads. More importantly there is far more information in the threads you don't know you should know. How to, where to, why to, when to and who to sell to. Do youself the best favor you can and read the old threads. Mike.
    "Profit begins when you buy NOT when you sell." {quote passed down to me from a wise man}

    Now go beat the copper out of something, Miked

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  26. #19
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    What works better than the environmental angle is reminding them that you are saving them disposal fees. My last four big jobs were from "clean-out" companies. The last one was a bunch of monitors and electronic stuff from a company upgrading their equipment. They hired a guy to dispose of the old equipment. He, in turn, put an ad on CL for "a few monitors" under the "FREE" section. I responded and got a truck and trailer load. So, use CL, contact them in person, send flyers or anything else to let them know you're out there. If you contact someone who can't help -- Oh, well.
    People may laugh at me, but that's ok. I laugh all the way to the bank.

  27. #20
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    I scrap in my honda civic. I do large steel- to ewaste. If you want it you will get it. im starting a special thread dedicated to my champ the honda. so far im around 15k profit, not as much as the big boys but hey i like it. And before someone says buy a truck. Im saving to go back to college. but if the right one comes along ill grab it up.

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