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Wescrapmetal is right you can have all the towing power in the world but if the brakes are not strong enough then what's the point I have a 03 gmc 2500hd and I don't even need trailer brakes no matter how much weight I pull.
Most states have a law on the books that when the trailer is over xxx amount of pounds then it has to have operating trailer brakes and chains. Some of our camper haulers tried to get smart and started putting lead links into their safety chains, that way if they lost control of the trailer the chains would break and not drag the truck into the ditch. The state DOT got wind of it and if they jumped on the chain and it broke it was an automatic $500. fine plus anything else they could find. And that was 500 back in the late 80's probably comparable to $1000 now.
I'll be honest I used to set my trailer controller a little on the heavy side so that as I was easing the brakes down you could feel the trailer brakes start grabbing first before the truck. That did two things, #1 it kept the trailer in a straight line under hard stops so it was not pushing the truck and #2 my truck brakes lasted around 200,00 miles before needing replaced. Try that with your truck with the trailer pushing you, if it don't push you thru a stop sign on a wet street.