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liquid oxyen

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  1. #1
    taterjuice started this thread.
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    Post liquid oxyen

    Starting to go thru a t oxygen bottle bout ever week and was considering liqiud oxygen to buy larger volumes of product at a time and not change a bottle every week. Will I need to buy a torch set or any additional equitment ? Thanks in Advance

    Alvord iron and salvage
    3rd generation scrapper and dam proud of it

  2. #2
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    Unless you plan to cut constantly, I wouldn't bother. There is around 18 oxygen in one liquid. But if you don't use it to keep the pressure down it will build up and blow off.. wasting product. I would only recommend it if you can cut everyday for at least a week and not run out of material. Some liquids that I had lasted 2 days, some lasted 2 weeks.

  3. #3
    gustavus is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    If your going with liquid better to pick the canister up from the filling depot same day its been filled otherwise you could get a bottle thats been sitting a few days already bleeding off.

    The canister is a big double walled thermos, never seen the inside of the second wall but I suspect it has tubing coiled around the inner compartment to keep it refrigerated as oxygen bleeds of to atmosphere.

    When they fill these at the plant, it's on a demand order they do keep full tanks around waiting to be sold, when the tank is filled with liquid oxygen it take about an hour during the fill theres plenty of liquid oxygen being bleed off cooling the thermos as its being filled.

    As you consume the oxygen the product your drawing off keeps the canister refrigerated, if your not using any product the thermos is designed so that as the outside temperature rises it will discharge oxygen keeping the remainder the liquid cool, this will go on until all the oxygen has been depleted by sitting or by consumer use.

    Much better to be cutting with that liquid oxygen than using it to cool the thermos down. A regular oxygen regulator will hook up to the thermos from there it's your choice of fuel to use Hydrogen, Acetylene or Propane.

    To use hydrogen fuel you need a special regulator.

    I have only seen one commercially manufactured generator that split water into oxygen and hydrogen, unfortunately the owner did not demonstrate it's use or elaborate on its capability.

    Here's a link to a commercially made generator,
    Last edited by gustavus; 05-27-2012 at 07:44 AM.

  4. #4
    taterjuice started this thread.
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    So aside from buying another t oxygen bottle pretty well hit a ceiling here ?

  5. #5
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    Check out a 12 pack but you are going to need a forklift to move it full weight is around 1900 lbs I think either way you can't move it without a bobcat or forklift if its not on a solid swept floor. The wheels will catch on a pebble and stop it cold. 3700 hundred cubic feet compared to a 327 or 427 bottle. More expensive then a liquid but its straight 100 percent 02. No bleed off you would have maybe a 100 dollar a month rental fee for it to. Think before you buy and ask the salesman as many questions as you can he can assess your situation better then I can.

  6. #6
    taterjuice started this thread.
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    Of that 12 pack ?

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