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My Backwards CRT Theory - Page 2

| TV and Monitor Recycling
  1. #21
    Oldbarnz started this thread.
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    Thanks for civil answers. Maybe a stack with no cases on them, so it doesn't appear fraudulent?
    My redneck neighbor (I'm one too) buys junk at auction all the time for target practice at his ranch out in the desert (not that that's a solution either).
    Its strange. People see dollar signs in piles of junk all the time, which is why so many people on this forum are successful. Who knows what people might see in a stack of stripped down monitors. Just sayin'.

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  3. #22
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    I agree that the initial idea had rip off written all over it. BUT there are companies that do recycle crt's. If an auction was targeted towards those buyers just for the tubes there may be a target group out there that would buy them. I dunno maybe wishful thinking but maybe if one of the people here that buy the crt's to tear down can chime in. If they are buying them then what are they doing with the tubes?
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  4. #23
    msearl3244's Avatar
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    I have around 4 semi-trailers full of CRT monitors and TV's. I have not stripped them out just to make them more appealing to potential buyers. I have thought about putting them on some sort of auction, but have not had the time to do so yet. I am also not totally familiar with how the auctions work when dealing with large amounts of stuff like trailers full of monitors.

    I myself would just not want the drama caused by slimy business practices. A person knows darn well what their intentions are when they go to do sneaky side handed tricks. An individual really does not have to do anything to them though. The market has a way of correcting these kind of people. Especially in the world of instant information. One you can bet is if they themselves were to fall pray to another person doing this to them, they would be the first and the loudest to cry foul.
    There may a million better places to live than Iowa, but none of them are home!

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  6. #24
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    I joke about stuff like that, but i would never do it. you don't know unless you ask, and suppose someone had jumped up and said they knew a company that was interested in palletized crt glass, rather than loose crt glass. that would be valuable info. I'm not mad at a theory, but i wouldn't do it. it would be deceiving to say the least, even if they are sold "as-is" to some sucker who needs an education.

    that said, the one that made me laugh the most was when my friend said, "wouldn't it be funny if i rented a storage unit under a fake name, filled it with stripped tubes, and then never paid the bill." we laughed about for a while, shaking our heads, but neither one of us would ever do anything like that. we have solid business ethics
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  7. #25
    RustyDollars's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Oldbarnz View Post
    Perhaps I'm just thinking out loud here, but I've noticed two patterns on the CRT disposal threads regarding auctions and disposal. People constantly talk about how high computer and CRT pallets go for at auction and also how disposal of monitors is a nightmare.
    Has anyone tried selling stripped down monitors at an "as is, where is" auction before?
    It's seems that getting $10 back from an auction is better than paying for disposal or coordinating drop off with a company/box store.
    Just a noob's .02

    Please throw your pennies in too, I'll take 'em all!
    Selling "As is" would definely be bad form, but you could be honest up front and sell them as "stripped monitors and TVs". Doubt that you would get a bid but you never know and at least you could sleep at night.
    If it wasn't for the $ in $crap, it would just be.....

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  9. #26
    Oldbarnz started this thread.
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    Thanks again! This reminds me of a junk/land clearance auction I went to in Nebraska. It was a bunch of rusted out 1970s-era cars and trucks. Two bidders bought every lot at what seemed like HIGH prices. Turns out, both were scrap bigwigs loading their trucks.
    I'm still not proposing duping anyone, just exploring an honest description at an auction as a solution. No regular auctioneers I called sold this kind of thing, but they referred me to an industrial wholesale auction company in Arizona that might. Who knows? Im waiting for a return call!

  10. #27
    Oldbarnz started this thread.
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    Msearl - I love Iowa too!

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  12. #28
    Dunemaul's Avatar
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    msearl you might want to talk to easy if those monitors are working. Im pretty sure he has a good relationship to ECS.
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  14. #29
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    He might be right... I mean if you really think about it...

    Of coarse, I would assume, you'd state in the auction that the carcases are empty.

    There might be companies out there who sell monitors on a mass scale, no? The older ones aren't as popular, but at auctions even, people DO buy them... maybe for scrap, maybe for resale. There are companies out there who make their living selling things like this, might not be at the top of your list of things to make a profit from but they are out there. Nobody ever thought about selling empty mayo and peanut butter jugs, but somebody has to make them, maybe it would be easier for a company to buy these empty 'jugs' and clean them up to refill with mayo and peanut butter than to have new jugs manufactured?

    You never know, maybe a company out there WOULD be interested in such a thing, and MIGHT be able to make a profit on them, maybe via recycling, maybe via refurbishment. Some people get paid for scrap plastics, and scrap glass...

    I don't believe the OP ever once suggested, selling them WITHOUT STATING that they've been hollowed out to rip anybody off, it was just an idea and in all reality, it MIGHT be a good one so long as you're honest about it. Worst case nobody buys them, best case somebody has a plan for them and you make a few bucks.

    Alot of harsh responses here but to be honest I don't believe his intention was to do this in a deceptive way, but thinking outside the box.

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  16. #30
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    Admin, everyone has an opinion. Glad that you finally chipped in on a topic!

  17. #31
    Oldbarnz started this thread.
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    Thanks again. I'm a noob on the site, but I've been a problem-solver forever. Apparently, when I put 2 and 2 together I sometimes get 13! By reading lots of old threads (as advised) I noticed a consistent disposal issue coming up. I tossed out an idea that was apparently a grenade. It's good to see the old guard on this site stepping up to defend the kingdom. I might step on toes, but I won't purposely cross them!

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