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We are in Iowa and have stored about 700 monitors which I would gladly give away to someone who wants to pick them up for free. They are whole monitors both computer and televisions. My husband and I currently do not have the capacity to tear them down. He has a major heart condition and only has 25% of his heart that still is functioning. He also has a pacmaker defibrilator to help keep him alive. We need to find someone willing to pick up these items for free and they in turn can have all profits made from the recycling of the CRT's. We are located in Burlington, Iowa. Please e-mail me if you are interested in these items. Thank you so much and God bless you all. I admire everyone on this site. We all work really hard at a thankless job. My e-mail is
dreamecovery@gmail.com if you are interested.
Is there any way YOU can break one down? I know you said neither of you could, but you really didn't address why you wouldn't be able to(and as that's really none of my business, a simple yes or no would suffice). I know it seems like a real monster, but like any other monster, it can be eaten, one bite at a time. Even two a day, if you have a Goodwill or city waste nearby who accepts them, could get it whittled down in under a year. Those things can be heavy though, especially the larger CRT TV tubes( I don't even enjoy having to pick those ones up myself), but you might even find a way to deal with that, possibly a nearby friend or relative to stop by and set them on a work bench or table, where you could easily work on them, and possibly even back your car or truck up to, and slide them on in(hopefully the drop off point will help you from there) Just some thoughts and suggestions, there are plenty of threads here on SMF about the methods in dismantling them. You might even choose to take them in whole, but would lose the opportunity to make a few bucks with each small batch.
Other than that, you might even find someone right there around you who would be willing to take on the task themself, for the opportunity of making a few bucks.
Your first concern with dismantling will be in verifying any static charges have been released, which is a fairly simple task, but one which you'll definitely want to address before beginning ( it REALLY is NOT complicated), I'll be happy to very carefully explain it to you should you wish