Dropped a couple of monitors off at Goodwill today and this sign was posted, I was told they will continue to take monitors.
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Dropped a couple of monitors off at Goodwill today and this sign was posted, I was told they will continue to take monitors.
Recyclable Material Merchant Wholesaler
Certified Zip-Tie Mechanic
"Give them enough so they can do something with it, but not too much that they won't do nothing."
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Before you know it, no one but landfills will take them.
George Beale - Founder & President - info@viprecyclingjunkremoval.com
VIP Recycling Junk Removal LLC - Premier Scrap Metal, Junk, & Electronic Recyclers!
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I get a kick out of that signature line...
Thank you for helping us keep used TVs out of landfills!
Helping them? Seems to me they're no longer part of the solution! Kudos to their public relations department for coming up with that nonsense.
they'll keep taking the monitors as long as they have that thing going with Dell
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Hell coulda been worse, my local goodwill called me a trash picker when I asked if they accepted tvs for recycling...lets not even mention the attitude I was given while asking. Or the looks of disgust when I pointed out the main GW page talks quite proudly about their recycle program with Dell.
Needless to say my GW doesn't get jack from me. Thats ok though, I got other thrift stores here by me that do go that extra mile and don't insult people for asking questions.
It's all good though, I spend my money where they actually practice goodwill.
Sirscrapalot - Not a fan of being rude to people for asking a simple question.
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Well, I myself have never turned in a CRT TV to my local Goodwill, but I do know that they try and sell them for about 20 bucks a pop. I went there a few months ago to do some window shopping and see if they had anything interesting, and they had two or three for sale. Meanwhile, people here try to sell them on Craigslist for anywhere from 20-50 dollars, depending on the size of the screen. I tried selling one with a built in VCR on there for 10 bucks, and didn't even get a bite.
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I buy onr of those $15 to $20 TVs from GoodWill every few months for the back porch. The current one we are running a good 6 months on now and are in the height of rainy season.
They go bad being in humid conditions for too long. We won't buy a new one for out here.
"64K should be enough for anybody." - Bill Gates 1981
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I called my local goodwill they don't even want computer monitors unless they are "flat screens but not the crt types" as the manager put it. Signs of things to come?
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good, that means i can get more tube tvs cheaper now
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I hope that means that states will finally kick in some funding for TV recycling. I hate that people assume that because GW stops taking tv a its true fault. They do pay for TV recycling it's not a FREE service that's why they are stopping to take them. If you get offended about GW giving you the cold shoulder when you ask about TV recycling it's because you are a scrapper. You have to take the good with the bad, budgeting, price point, and responsible recycling. Suck it up and do the right thing and quit taking advantage of people who will take your TV's at no cost when they should be charging!! If I offend you it's because your guilty and don't know what responsible recycling is all about
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It is going to be up to the states. There are lots of CRT's still out there with more and more people switching to flat screens something needs to be done!
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