Comment on the plastic and city/county door recycling. I saw someone posted on another post that their city took 1-7 number plastic in their house bin. I may be wrong on this for some areaas but i think most people see the 1-7 and dont look into the rest of the restrictions. If people call and check w/ their collections i think they will find they do not in fact take all 1-7 plastics.
Most city/county recycling only take 1-7 of certain items and most of those are of bottles/jar w/ the neck narrower than base, or little food containers like gladware throwaways and some places take buckets and plant containers. I mention this because in the past I would throw all 1-7 plastics in my container, and i found out that things that dont fall into the above restrictions are being removed at the collection center and trashed. this was in 3 different cities that i lived in. Kind of a bummer and sometimes it is easier to feign ignorance especially when you dont have any other place to take it. I looked into the recycling boxes you see at schools and they are picked up by the same trucks as the house recycling.
What i was told by a collection rep was that when bottles like coke bottles or clorox bottles are melted down they do not mix well w/ plastics like from appliance frames. Same reason why some places make you remove the lids; the lids are not the same plastic as the bottles. I have never researched the reasoning so dont take that as law.
if you have called and your city does take everything... that is great.