This discussion has come up several times on other threads,
I buy computer scraps monitors, lcd and so forth, and I'll say this, its not illegal, what becomes illegal is dumping or disposing the crt tubes wrongfully.
You can take your crt to a recycle place and you'll be charged for it, Now some states has adopted policies where you can drop it off for free, South Dakota does not have that polices, But being registered as a MN
Ewaste, I'm able to dispose it thru thier program.
But the catch is gotta git it there, so, What I do I pay a company that IS ESTEWARD CERTIFIED since someone stated there wasn't any in South Dakota. to take it for 25 cents per pound. Thats the proper way, I dispose approx 2000lbs just recently for a smaller fee then most people only due to the fact that I'm a Recycle Center that works with them.
Hope that helps clear this matter up, is it worth it, probably not in a small scale. but I do a large scale of recycling dailing.
I avg approx each months 3 to 4 tons of computer scraps and such.
so I am able to put some money into the disposable that cost to recycle the crt's
so Basically is it worth it to you.. its you that will be able to decide. Hope I made it a bit clear its late .. LOL
Happy Scrapping