it seems no recycling co. around here buys them but my research says you can get 20.00 up to 50.00 a piece but where?? live in Raleigh NC. thanks guys and gals
it seems no recycling co. around here buys them but my research says you can get 20.00 up to 50.00 a piece but where?? live in Raleigh NC. thanks guys and gals
Lol, just bought 53 of them today here in Jersey. They were new salvage. Sell the stands if you have em'. Some are going for big bucks on eBay.
Today is a gift and the first day of the rest of your life. What will you do with it?
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Check with your local tv repair guys...might not get those prices for them...but they generally will buy boards out of them for repair parts they mark way up. Same for a search for "model" parts and you can judge what they bring. In many cases, if you work with a repair guy you might can trade out some of your broken stuff for parts or labor to fix some of the other ones you have which you resell for way more money than you lost sonce now the tv $100-150 vs the $10-20 he might give with them and wotk a deal.
I know a guy that is in jacksonville fl he generally pays $20 a piece if you want his info pm me
Sorry for my late response - I can typically purchase new model "smash" type store returns from anywhere between $20-60 TV. If you know what you're doing it's a good business to be in but you need to be able to buy a truck load. Say you buy a 60 inch LED for around $50 and the screen is cracked you can harvest the main board and move it on eBay for around $150-200. If you're interested I get a lot of list sent to me daily that I pass on.
call me 9198807941
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I just sold 2 flat screen TV's for $20. and the gentleman came and picked them up. He's also interested in the other 3 I saved in my garage.
He even loaded them. I now have an outlet for the undamaged tv's besides tearing them down, I did not look forward to all that plastic trash.
I found him with a CraigsList ad. All I had to do was bring them home with other electronics.
Last edited by Mechanic688; 10-23-2015 at 06:06 PM. Reason: add info
P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
If you enjoy your freedom, thank a vet.
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wow...I had a guy buy 8 the other day (he will part them and resell the parts)...I made $100. I am sitting on about 80 more...should get $10-15 each for them...paid like $5-7 each. If I had the time I would resell the parts and make probably $20-50 per tv...but better use of my time is to sell them off and move on to other stuff as that would take awhile.
PROFIT is made when you BUY/ACQUIRE NOT when you sell
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What's happening is 'Badcaps'.
There's bad capacitors in all modern electronics. They leak and blow up and ruin the boards.
The other 1/2 of what's happening is broken screens.
Marry the two together and you have a good flatscreen for almost nothing. And they are expensive new.
But, '' is a very informative forum, somewhat like 'scrapmetalforum'....
If you get enough flat screens you can marry the good parts together and sell them for profit.
Badcaps can tell you exactly what's wrong with a TV given what its faults seem to be. Just by searching a model number.
You can find out if its bad capacitors, or a fault, or a connection somewhere, it will also tell you how to fix it and if you can just replace components.
It will also sell you 'GoodCaps' to replace the badcaps...... yep.
So given that a TV with a broken screen will be working 90% of the time, just a broken screen.
And a TV with a good screen will have anything fro a 90cent capacitor to be replaced, to a new board, that you may have replaced the potential 'badcaps'
Do the math on that, free Flatscreen plus $1 part, = $300 ca$h.
This is the next thing I'm getting into.
I have a feeling that with the right info I could even upgrade older analogue TVs to Digital reception. But we also have $30 convertor box's to do that anyway.
The biggest screen I have picked up was over 50inch. There's nothing actually wrong with it....
When its turned on there's a echo of part of the picture on one side, as it warms up it gets worse... So they chucked it out.
I searched on badcaps, found that this model has a loose connection to the screen. As it warms up thebscreen expands and the ribbon connectoon slides and the image goes bad.
All you have to do is take the back off, insert a price of foam, sticky backed door seal across the connection and test it out. Then put the back back on..
Free 50inch plus Flatscreen for me. Found it on the side of the road. Beat that!
At the moment I'm using a Plasma screen that went as soon as I plugged it in. (Scratches head, uh, yeah, it goes, that saved some time..)
Plasmas, "Arrrh, the screws, the screws" in my best Quasimodo voice. 455 of them, I counted them.
They break screens. Its dead. Nothings going to fix it. Big boards, some Good Copper wire, snap the toroid's and unwrap the Copper wire.
Extruded Ali, heaps of Copper backed power Transistors. 1/2 to 1 cent of Copper in each. Gold plated boards and ribbon connections.
You can peel the connections off the screen slowly with practise, leaving the Gold on the ribbon on each end.
The backing board behind the glass screen is most of the time a Ali sheet, which may have Ali pegs on it, or easy to pop off Steel pegs.
The screens glued on to the backing sheet... NiChrome wire from a heater element and a cars battery charger and a few wooden wedges and you can peel the screen off the backing sheet. Use safety gear. Gloves glasses.
If you have the time, space and the slightest electronic knowledge, you can fix flatscreens
The other thing that's happening is that people are taking flatscreens with good screens, taking the base off, taping two of the same size front to front and filling shipping containers with them and sending them back to China, India and Korea.
They get reconditioned for the local market.
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I was giving this thread some more thought.
I have about 12+ flatscreens sitting about and I know that the biggest one only has a bad connection to the screen, fix that and its working, all it involves is time....
The Plasma screen I got going had nothing wrong with it, just some scratches on the screen that dissappear when its going. I am using it at the moment.
On the plus + plus side, I was able to scrap the 29ich CRT that I was using before... And stack all the DVD players I have, on its old 'footprint'.
Some of the other flatscreens have broken screens so its inside electronics can be assumed to be still working.
But some I had not tested and coul have broken screens that I didn't know about.
So I grab a long RCA cable to fit to the DVD player, and some power cords, and test the rest.
I found 4 that would not start up, one 'clicks' so thats the relay somewhere inside it. Ones 'Off/On' buttons been wrecked. Two are simply doing nothing.
One worked fine.... It needed no work at all.
Two, after mucking around with the Menu, and colours, and various settings, worked...... Uh, theres nothing wrong with 4 of the flatsceens.. WHY?
One, its got the same picture as the ones that I got going, but, theres something else going on too. I will get inside it later.
1 of the OK looking screens did have a broken screen, no visible damage on the outside. I do wonder if I broke it when getting it back home. Oh well.
I was able to double check that the 3 others had broken screens but otherwise still went. All I need is a good screen.(x3)
Sooooo, Thats about 25% of them are good to go anyway. Quick money there. $$$$.
I will use the 2 that I got going in other parts of the house and get onto the one with a bad sreen connection as its the biggest screen and a 'keeper'.
The rest,?
I have tagged them with whats wrong with them. I will get their model numbers etc and put them on a notebook and put them aside In storage somewhere else in the house.
Its easy to see theres money in these Flatscreens at the moment. Since I have a car now I can advertise for broken ones and pay a small amount for the ones with good screens.
I am getting the impression that a few have been chucked out after he owners mucked up the menu programming.
Broken Plasmas have lots of escrap in them and 455 screws, arrrrh.. Some glass thats easy to get rid of and 1/2 are Aluminium backed screens so theres a few ($3-4) there. Plus the light plastic frame that will cost almost nothing to dispose of.
I think I can fill my car full of rubbish and dump it for $5 at the local dump (Refuse station).
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Wavecrazed I have 3 lcds now could I get his number?.i live in sanford
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