Thanks everyone I should have read further for other posts.
Luckily I live 2min from the landfill and people from all around have to all but drive by my house to go to the landfill and for them its only 2min out of the way and it saves you on dumping fees for almost anything expect plastic, trash, cardboard, etc.
I can take a whole bed load of plastic to the landfill 2min away and dump it for free so that is not an issue, and they take the glass with the plastic as well for free I smash the tubes up into small pieces of glass...that is not bad right? It's just a vacuum there is no gas in there right?
With flat screens I am stuck with the LCD that as I am aware the electronics buyers do not buy as a circuit board they have what liquid crystal in them? I have a HUGE projection HD tv in my backyard someone just dropped off, the boards get pulled, the plastic plexi front goes on my greenhouse, the shell goes to the landfill and all other electronics are pulled as well for