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Recycling CRT Monitors

| TV and Monitor Recycling

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  1. #1
    jw7783 is offline Metal Recycling Entrepreneur
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    Ya I looked into that but the closest one to me that accepts them is 20+ miles from my house. Figured I'll try a closer one first. If not, I can just bring it to my town's drop off. My state passed a law saying each town HAS to accept these items

    "The specific electronics accepted may vary from town to town although all will be required to accept televisions, monitors, computers and printers."

  2. #2
    LadybugFarm97's Avatar
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    Best Buy takes my crt monitors and TV's under 32" after there gutted. Talked to the stock room manager and they let me bring 15-18 at one time each week. We agreed on a regular day, mine is Friday since there truck picks up on Saturday, so they don't have to keep them long.
    They normally only take up to 3 per day, and I would never get anything done running to drop off every day, so it has been a really good arrangement for me. Each one operates different but wouldn't hurt to check with your local store.

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  4. #3
    Montymoose's Avatar
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    Best Buy. I dropped off a CRT monitor today. Just walked it in and set it down next to the greeter at the front door. He said thanks and I said thanks and that was it. Dropped off 2 tv's on Monday and 3 monitors last Friday.

    They're a common item I find around apartment dumpsters, so I pull off the back, pull the wiring, boards, speakers, degaussing cable, and the copper yoke. Place the back on and off to Best Buy. I have even done a couple on the tail gate on my truck to avoid taking them home to do the work.

    Watch some videos to see about taking them apart safely.

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  6. #4
    Mechanic688's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Montymoose View Post
    Best Buy. I dropped off a CRT monitor today. Just walked it in and set it down next to the greeter at the front door. He said thanks and I said thanks and that was it. Dropped off 2 tv's on Monday and 3 monitors last Friday.

    They're a common item I find around apartment dumpsters, so I pull off the back, pull the wiring, boards, speakers, degaussing cable, and the copper yoke. Place the back on and off to Best Buy.

    Watch some videos to see about taking them apart safely.
    Here you go also;

    P & M Recycling - Specializing in E-Waste Recycling.
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